Vocabulary Basics
Mixtures and Solutions
Properties of Matter
Grab Bag

Name ALL of the following items that are considered thermal insulators:

cotton pot holder, metal spoon, wooden dowel, iron paperclip, air, rubber, styrofoam, plastic, frying pan

Thermal insulators:

cotton, wood, air rubber, styrofoam, plastic

Thermal conductors:

metal, iron, frying pan


We repeat experiment trails multiple times in order to obtain these kinds of results. 

What are VALID results


I could use a magnet to separate a pile of iron nails and this item. 

What is anything non-magnetic (cotton balls, pencils, plastic toys, etc.)


A beachball would float on top of water and a helium balloon will rise or float in air, giving these items this property of matter. 

What is buoyancy or being less dense?


Fill in the blank:

To change states from a gas to a liquid is called ________________.

To change states from a liquid to a gas is called ________________.

From a gas to a liquid is called condensation.

From a liquid to a gas is called evaporation. 


A student wants to know which soil grows strawberry plants the tallest?  Name 2 controlled variables for this experiment.

Amount of sunlight

Amount of water


Amount of soil, 



In an experiment, this is the term for the one thing the scientist is changing. 

What is the variable?


Which of the following are INsoluble in water:  sand, salt, iron filings, sawdust, Koolaid, food coloring, paper, pepper, glue?

FOLLOW UP:  Which are soluble?

INSOLUBLE:  sand, iron filings, sawdust, paper, pepper


This is NOT an example of change in state of matter:

-Sno-cone melting on the sidewalk

-A candle releasing fumes into the air

-Water in a bottle evaporating

-A crayon being snapped in half

-Gatorade being frozen in the freezer

What is a crayon being snapped in half?


If I wanted to change the state of matter of water in a water bottle I would need to do this.

What is freeze the water or evaporate the water?


A student wants to know if changing the amount of salt in saltwater will cause it to come to a boil faster.  What is the DEPENDENT variable in this experiment?

The dependent variable is what the scientist is measuring or observing to see if their change is working.  In this experiment they are measuring how long it takes for the water to boil.


In an experiment, our scientific question should always contain this. 

What is the independent variable you are testing?


In a simple mixture, all of the substances maintain their physical properties even after they are mixed together.  However, this is not true for solutions.

If I make a solution of water, grape koolaid powder, and sugar.  Name 1 physical property of each substance (sugar, koolaid powder, water) that will change.  

Water:  Taste, color

Sugar:  Size

Koolaid powder:  Size 


1. I have no definite shape and I can change my volume to fill the entire container that I am in, I am a _________________.  

2. I have no definite shape, but I do have a definite volume, I am a _________________.  

3. I have a specific shape and volume that do not change when I am moved from one container to the other.  I am a ____________________.  

1.  Gas

2. Liquid

3. Solid


Name 3 metals that are MAGNETIC.

**Follow up question: which magnetic metal was NOT named?**

Iron, Nickle, Cobalt, and Steel

S, I, N, C


Fifth grade students want to conduct an experiment to determine if the height of a ramp will affect how far a toy car will roll.  What is the independent variable in this investigation?

The independent variable is height of the ramp, because that is the only thing that they are changing.  


Avery puts four candy canes into separate cups. Each of the candy canes are the same size, brand and flavor. She pours hot water, warm water, cold warm and room temperature water in the cups, using a 200 mL beaker. She waits twenty minutes and then counts the number of stripes still on each of the candy cane. This would be a science question that could match her experiment. 

What temperature of water causes a candy cane to lose the most stripes in 20 minutes? 

What temperature of water dissolves a candy cane the fastest?


How can you separate a mixture of SAND, SALT, WATER, and IRON FILINGS?

Sample answer:

1.  Use a magnet to removes the iron filings.

2.  Pour the mixture through a filter (to separate the sand from the salt and water).  

3.  Evaporate the water, and only sand will left behind.


If I mix salt, sugar and sand in a beaker of water I will find out that two of them can be described with this word.  (Follow up:  Which 2 can be described with that word?)

Soluble, Dissolve, or Solution


Which of the following are LESS dense than water?

Ping pong ball, penny, gold ring, wood chips, syrup, oil, paper clip

Less dense:  ping pong ball, wood chips, oil


What is the definition of physical properties of matter?

Any characteristic of matter than can be measure of observed (using the 5 senses) without causing a change to the matter


This is the reason this graph is not an appropriate match for the data. 

The data in the chart does not match the height on the bar graph. 


What is the definition of a mixture?

What is the definition of a solution?

How are they alike and how are they different?

***Follow up question:  Fill in our phrase below using only the words mixtures and solutions.

All ____________ are ____________, but not all _______________ are ______________.

Mixtures are a combination of 2 or more substances that maintain their physical properties.  

Solutions are a SPECIAL mixture in which one substance dissolves in another.

Both are combinations of substances.

ONLY solutions involve something dissoving.  Also, in a solution, the dissolved substance shrinks to it's tiniest form and spreads perfectly evenly from type to bottom. Therefore, some properties of substances DO change is a solution.

**All solutions are mixtures, but not all mixtures are solutions.


If I pour oil into water I can discover these two things about the oil. 

It is less dense and it is insoluble (does not dissolve). 


Stacy is doing an experiment in science class to determine which parachute shape: triangle, square, or circle will make the most effective parachute.  She builds 3 parachutes that are exactly identical in size, mass, and height.  She realizes that she is nearly out of time in class, so she drops each parachute twice, records her data, and then turns in her lab sheet.  What is the problem with Stacy's experiment? 

She only did two trials!  To save time, she did NOT conduct 3 trials.  This means her data is not very reliable or VALID.  
