One group of invertebrates, means "jointed foot"
What is an arthropod?
Exoskeleton, camouflage, bitter taste, smell, mimicry, speed, stinging, or biting
What are forms of protection?
The tiny tubes where the silk web comes out
What are spinnerets?
A hard outer covering of an insect
What is an exoskeleton?
Spiders have this life cycle
What are egg, nymph, and adult?
When the exoskeleton becomes too small, the animal must shed the exoskeleton and grow a new one
What is molt?
Mosquitoes use this long tube to suck blood from animals or people
What is a proboscis?
Brown Recluse and Black Widow
What are poisonous spiders?
The middle section of an insect's body
What is a thorax?
A process of change in the form of an animal as it grows
What is metamorphosis?
A knowledge or skill an animal is born with
What is instinct?
A group of insects that live together
What is a colony?
Ways a spider gets food
What is trapping, fishing, hunting, poisoning, and webs?
What is an abdomen?
Egg, Nymph, and Adult
What is incomplete metamorphosis?
Spiders are part of this group of arthropods
What are arachnids?
Two examples of social insects that live in colonies
What are bees and ants?
A spider uses these to hold its prey in place while it injects the venom with its fangs (face hands)
What are pedipalps?
head, thorax, and abdomen
What are the parts of an insect?
Egg, Larva, Pupa, and Adult
What is complete metamorphosis?
Differences between spiders and insects
Spiders have 4 pairs of legs, 2 body parts, no wings, and no antennae. Insects have 2 pairs of legs, 3 body parts, antennae, and most have wings.
Ways living and working together helps social insects
What are sharing tasks, they can do things that could not do alone?
Spiders are apart of this group of arthropods
What are arachnids?
Cephalothorax (head and thorax) and abdomen
What are the parts of a spider?
Insects that go through complete metamorphosis
What are bees, butterflies, and beetles?