Who made light?
Why would someone need a flashlight?
To shine light in a dark place
Give an example of an object that lets ALL light pass through it
glass, plastic, etc. (anything that is clear)
What is one thing you can see your reflection in?
Mirror, water, etc.
Where does most of the earth's light come from?
The sun
How do shadow puppets work?
Example answer: Make shapes with your hands and use a flashlight
Give an example of an object that lets NO light pass through it
cardboard, book, clipboard, hand, etc.
What happens when you put a pencil in a glass of water?
Example answer: It looks bent/bigger depending on the angle
Give one example of a man-made light
lamp, flashlight, candle, etc.
True or False: You can see your shadow more clearly outside when the sun is out.
Give an example of an object that lets SOME light pass through it
foam, paper, wax paper, etc.
What does a magnifying glass do?
Makes things appear bigger
Give an example of a light made by God
sun, fire, moon, etc.
A shadow is made when an object ______ the light.
True or false: Stained glass windows let all light pass through them
What happens when you shine light on a prism?
Creates a rainbow
How do light waves travel?
In a straight line
Does your shadow look smaller or bigger when the sun is right above you?
What is the big word that starts with a "T" for something that is clear?
Name all the colors of the rainbow
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple