What is a mountain?
A natural elevation of the earth's surface - same as a hill
What is erosion and what is deposition?
Erosion is when gravity, flowing water, and wind carry away particles.
Deposition is sediments that build up over time
What are terraces, mud pots, and geyserite?
Terraces are rock formations, mud pots are bubbling springs, and geyserite are mineral deposits.
what are the three liquid emissions?
Rhyolitic magma, andesitic magma, basaltic magma
What are the three main structures in a volcano?
Shield volcanoes, cinder cones, and stratovolcanoes
What is topography? What is isostasy?
Topography - the features of the earth's surface in a particular region
Isostasy- describes the balance of the weights of rock, water, and ice
What is the difference in height between the highest and lowest elevations called?
What are the two different kinds?
high relief and low relief
Name all the glacier formed formations
Morains, eskers, kames, and drumlins
What are the three gaseous emissions?
Glowing avalanche, lahar, fumaroles
What is a volcano?
a deposition mountain landform built from solidified magma from deep in the earth
What are the three different main types of landforms? What are each of them?
Plateaus, domes, and basins
Plateaus- broad regions of relatively undisturbed sedimentary deposits
Domes- a landform with sedimentary strata
Basins- opposite of a dome, formed when a magma chamber deep underground is emptied
What are fold mountains and the two different kinds?
Fold mountains are mountains that form from folded rock starts. The two types are Anticlines and synclines
What is a dike?
A dike is what always crosses strata
Whats the difference between intrusive volcanism and extrusive volcanism?
Intrusive is processes inside the earths crust, whereas extrusive is processes outside of the earths crust
What are the three main activities of a volcano?
Active, dormant, and extinct
What are the two groups of mountains?
Mountain range and a mountain system
List three types of landforms. What is orogeny?
Landforms - mountains, valleys, beaches, plains, deserts, plateaus, lakes
Orogeny - tectonic processes that resulted in the making of mountains
What is the difference between pinnacles and monadnocks?
Pinnacles are erosional remnants and tall spires of rock, whereas monadnocks are solidified magma that form islands of rock
What are three volcano locations?
the Alpine-Himilayan belt, the Crim, Volcanic Easter Island
What are the three types of plutons?
Batholiths, laccoliths, and stocks
What is the difference between mesas and buttes?
Mesas are flat-topped hills remaining from the erosion process, whereas buttes are small, flat-topped hills.
*EXTRA* a talus is a sloped pile of broken rock *EXTRA*
What is a rift? What is a graben?
A rift is a series of steep-walked valleys lines with high cliffs.
Grabens are rocks cracked and dropping downwards
What is the VEI and what does it stand for?
the VEI (volcanic explosivity index) is the best indicator of a volcanoes destructiveness
What are the three main categories in a volcano?
Structure, activity, and explosivity
What is the difference between hot springs and geysers?
Hot springs are where heated water rises to the earth's surface, whereas geysers are hot springs that forcefully eject water from the ground.