Branches of Science
Observations, Opinions, and Inferences
Scientific Method and Variables
Graphing Results

These are the three branches of science

What are Earth, Physical, and Life?


When I use my senses to determine facts about something, I am making this (observation, opinion, inference).

What is an observation?


This variable is what you are testing in an experiment.  It is the one and only thing that you change from trial to trial.

What is an independent variable?


This variable goes on the x-axis (horizontal axis) of a bar or line graph.

What is the independent variable?


When a spring is compressed and still, it has this type of energy.

What is potential energy?


Physicists, who study the properties of energy and non-living objects, are in this main branch of science.

What is Physical Science?


If I notice there are dark grey clouds in the sky, I might make an ________________ (observation, inference, or opinion) that it will rain soon.

What is an inference?


This variable is what you measure in an experiment.  The data you record may prove or disprove your hypothesis.

What is a dependent variable?


WOO HOO!  Your group chose a box worth 200 free points.

Lucky you!


This type of heat energy transfer happens when heat is moved around though a substance, like when a fan blows hot air into the atmosphere a room.

What is convection?


Meteorologists, who study wind and weather, are in this main branch of science

What is Earth Science?


Mrs. Pascal wore a University of Washington shirt to Linwood on college Monday.  Mrs. Caballero, who roots for Washington State University, said Mrs. Pascal's shirt was ugly.  Mrs. Caballero stated this about Mrs. Pascal's shirt (opinion, inference or observation).

What is an opinion?


This statement is a reasonable prediction about the outcome of an experiment, based on your prior knowledge.

What is a hypothesis?


This variable goes on the y-axis (vertical axis) of a bar or line graph.

What is dependent variable?


When a car speeds down the street, it has this type of energy.

What is kinetic energy?


Medical doctors, who treat patients for illnesses, diseases, and injuries, are in this main branch of science.

What is Life Science?


Hemry noticed a skinny dog with matted fur and no collar wandering the Linwood Park for a month.  She guessed the dog was homeless.  This guess is called an (opinion, observation, or inference).

What is an inference?


These variables are purposefully kept the same for each trial in an experiment.

What are control variables?


SWITCHEROO!  The group who chooses this box can earn 400 points just by naming three of Mrs. Caballero's classroom norms.  The catch: you must be able to name three, or you get NO points and must choose another group to give it a try!

Mrs. Caballero will judge your answers.


This type of heat energy transfer happens when something is in direct contact with the heat, like a pan on a stove.

What is conduction?


Biochemists, who study the physical properties of living things, are in these two main branches of science?

What are Life Science and Physical Science?


"Pizza is the best food on Earth," said Gabe.  Gabe statement is considered an ______________ (observation, inference, or opinion).

What is an opinion?


These are the steps in a science experiment, ordered correctly: (sequence correctly)

1 - make a hypothesis

2 - ask a question

3 - set up and conduct an experiment

4 - share results

5 - record and analyze data collected

What is 2, 1, 3, 5, 4?


This graph is used to display data that adds up to 100%.

What is a pie graph?


This type of heat energy transfer happens through electromagnetic waves, like the heat from the sun warming the surface of the Earth.

What is radiation?
