6th Grade
7th Grade
Multiple Choice
8th Grade
What is the circulatory system? (i.e. what does it do, what are parts of the circulatory system)
The circulatory system is in charge of pumping blood throughout the body. This blood carries nutrients, oxygen and carbon dioxide all around! The heart, veins, arteries and blood are all part of the circulatory system.
Describe the particles in the steam coming off boiling water. (speed, density, movement, etc.) Bonus 20 points: What does the temperature of the water HAVE to be for it to boil (Celsius or Fahrenheit accepted)
The particles are part of a gas. This means it has a low density and is moving fast. The particles will fill up as much space as it can, even in a container. The temperature of the water must be: 100 C 212 F
What is the "dead" energy? What does energy transform into when its "done" A) Potential Energy B) Heat Energy C) Kinetic Energy D) Electromagnetic Energy
B- Heat Energy
What is the difference between an energy transfer and energy transformation?
An energy transfer is energy going from one object to another. An energy transformation is energy changing from one form to another.
What is a hypothesis?
A hypothesis is an educated guess. It is part of the beginning of the scientific method.
What is a deciduous tree?
A tree that loses its leaves.
A minion's alleles are Tt ( T (tall) is dominant, t (short) is recessive. ) What is its phenotype and genotype?
Phenotype: Tall Genotype: Tt
A minion lives with a banana. The minion, his name is Dave, eats the banana. What type of relationship is this? WHY? A) Mutualism B) Commensalism C) Predator/Prey D) Parasitism
C- Predator/ Prey. This is because the banana dies and the minion benefits.
What is a spring tide?
A spring tide is when tides reach their extreme levels, they occur during full and new moons.
What are the three main parts of a circuit?
1) A power source 2) A conducting path (like wires) 3) An appliance, load (where is the electricity going to go?)
How many stomachs does a cow have?
You are camping at the top of a mountain, near a river. If you threw all your trash into the river, you would pollute. Name three organisms or things that could be affected and how.
Answer may vary. Ms. Harlow can judge!
What atmosphere does meteors burn? A) Thermosphere B) Stratosphere C) Mesosphere D) Troposphere
C- Mesosphere
What does a barometer measure? What does a sling psychrometer measure?
Air pressure, relative humidity
How was the Grand Canyon formed? Bonus 50 points if you know what the name of the river at Grand Canyon is called!
The Grand Canyon was formed by erosion. Over thousands and thousands of years, the COLORADO RIVER wore down the rock, sediment and sand on the land, creating a canyon!
What is a trisomy?
An extra (third) chromosome.
What is the nucleus? Why is it so important?
The nucleus is the "control center" of the cell. The nucleus holds all of your DNA and genetic information. This is important because your cells wouldn't be able to reproduce, (causing you to die) and no information would be given to other parts of the cell. That would cause the other organelles to not be able to fully complete their job.
If you live in a JOVIAN planet? What planet(s) could you be living in. Name all four! NOT MULTIPLE CHOICE :D!
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
What are the three ingredients needed to form clouds? How do clouds form?
A secondary consumer
Andre has diabetes. What part of his digestive system is not functioning well enough to produce the glucose needed for Andre? What is glucose?
The pancreas. Glucose is sugar!
Why is there a controversy on whether or not a virus is a living or non-living thing?
A virus connects to a cell nucleus to take it over and live. That means it cannot live on its own without the cell, making some to believe a virus is a nonliving thing. What do you think?
Put these in the correct order, from the largest category to the smallest category. Genus Species Kingdom Class Family Phylum Order BONUS 100 POINTS: What are the five kingdoms of life?
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. Bonus Answer: Animals Bacteria Plants Protists Fungi
What is cancer? A) A mutated cell B) A tumor C) A organ that broke down D) Blood that changed
A- A mutated cell
A front just passed by your city a week ago. Ever since that front the weather has continuously been nice, clear and all in all good. What type of front could have passed by your city?
A cold front.