what does medium mean
the thing by which or through which something is done.
what does refraction mean.
the bending of a wave (like light or sound) as it passes from one medium to another, where the speed of the wave changes.
what does mechanical wave mean
a wave that is a vibration in matter, transferring energy through a material.
what does converge mean
to tend or move toward one point or one another
what does x rays mean.
a form of electromagnetic radiation, similar to light, but with higher energy and the ability to penetrate many materials, including the human body, allowing for the creation of images of internal structures.
what does absorption mean
The process by which one substance, such as a solid or liquid, takes up another substance, such as a liquid or gas, through minute pores or spaces between its molecules.
what does light mean
"bright" or "not heavy
what does density mean
the measurement of how tightly a material is packed together.
what does wave speed mean
the distance a wave travels in a given amount of time, essentially how quickly the wave disturbance propagates through a medium
what does frequency mean
how often something repeats or occurs within a given period of time.
what does micro waves mean.
a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths shorter than other radio waves but longer than infrared waves
what is a electromagnetic wave mean
disturbances in electric and magnetic fields that propagate through space, transferring energy
what does reflection mean.
the act of something (like light, sound, or heat) bouncing back after hitting a surface, or an image formed by something being reflected from a surface
what does radio waves mean
electromagnetic waves