Fall is also called...
What is Autumn?
Plants get nutrients from the...
What is The Sun?
Any living thing.
What is an organism?
Fish live in the...
What is water?
The stomach is in...
December 21st is...
What is Winter Solstice?
Foxes eat grasshoppers. One winter, the grasshoppers died out. This affected the foxes by...
What is The foxes had a decrease in population?
Animal that hunts for its food.
What is a predator?
Wolves come in...
What are packs?
The heart circulates blood around the body.
What is TRUE?
Red, yellow, brown, gold, and orange leaves fall from trees. This is in...
What is Fall/Autumn?
Bears eat fish. Fish eat seaweed and kelp. The fishes in an area swam away due to water shortages. This affected the bear by...
What is The bears had a decrease in population?
Fungi is a...
What is a decomposer?
These big, fat creatures eat fish and berries and live in the mountains. Typically, they have brown coats and only humans are their predators. These are...
What are grizzly bears?
The skull is part of the...
Spring Equinox in 2023 will be...
When is March 20?
Squirrels eat plants. Wolves eat squirrels. Bears eat wolves. This is an example of..
What is a food chain?
A non-living thing.
What is an abiotic factor?
Cheetahs, lions, and tigers are part of the...
What is the cat family?
Brain, Heart, and Lungs.
What are 3 of the most important organs in the human body?
Here it is usually always warm and sunny and Summer throughout the year. This is...
What is The Equator?
Lions eat coyotes. Coyotes eat raccoons. Racoons eat bugs. Bugs eat plants. The plants are alive and get food and vitamins from...
What is The Sun?
Fish, sharks, and dolphins live here.
What is a Marine ecosystem?
Scientific name for an animal with a pouch...
Skeletal, Muscular, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and Digestive Systems.
What are the 5 major systems in the human body?