Why does Victor decide to make his creature large?
Smaller sizes slowed him down.
what genre is Mary Shelley's book Frankenstein?
science fiction
What is the name of the character who loses all of his fortune and leaves the country to die penniless?
What is Mary Shelly's husband named?
The words from Paradise Lost by John Milton is used as a what in Frankenstein.
How does Victor feel about his creature?
He is disgusted at the way it looks.
What time period is Frankenstein written in?
The romanticism period
Who is Alphonse Frankenstein to Victor?
His father
Who is Mary Shelley's famous mother
Mary Wollstonecraft
Finish the phrase from the monster
Did I ask you to turn me from dirt into a
human being
Victor is more interested in discovering
The elixir of life
What does a young girl do when she sees the creature near the lake?
She jumps in the lake almost drowning?
Name of the blind patriarch that the monster observes, and of which he grows very fond of
De lacey
How old was Mary Shelly when she started writing Frankenstein?
4. In addition to the philosopher's stone and the elixir of life, what did Victor's readings describe?
Where is Victor's family from?
Geneva, Switzerland
What happens when the monster enters the village in Frankenstein?
The Creature attempts to seek out food in cottages in the villages he passes. Upon entering these villages, he is chased out of each hut. People scream and shout at him. People are disgusted by his appearance
Who is Felix in Frankenstein?
He is the Delacy the blind man's son.
Where did she get the idea for writing Frankenstein
She got it from a dream?
What figurative language is the quote below?
. . .vivid flashes of lightning dazzled my eyes, illuminating the lake, making it appear like a vast sheet of fire;….
a simile
What is Victor's mother's name?
What happens to the creature when he tries to save a girl?
He is shot by a hunter.
Who is Safie in Frankenstein?
She is Felix's fiance.
what genres is Mary Shelly's Frankenstein?
Science Fiction and Gothic
What figurative language is the quote below?
Like Adam, I was apparently united by no link to any other being in existence . . .
What is the name of Victor Frankenstein's best friend's name?
Henry Clerval
Why does Victor Frankenstein leave Switzerland to travel to England?
Victor chooses to carry out this project far from his home and family in Geneva, both to protect their safety and his reputation. He has also learned about similar experiments being studied in England. Victor hopes that the monster will keep his promise and take his new mate away from where people live.
What is the name of Frankenstein's monster in Frankenstein?
He is simply called creature.
Name two books that inspired Mary Shelly's Frankenstein and not from the Bible.
Paradise Lost
Sorrows of a Young Werther
What figurative language does the Glacier represent in Frankenstein?
It represent's loneliness
What subject does Elizabeth love the most?
literature or art
Why isn't Victor happy although he is able to travel to different beautiful countries?
He is unhappy because he knows that the creature is still out there and he doesn't want to keep the promise to make him a mate?
What is the name of the man on the ship that promises to hunt the creature for Victor Frankenstein?
Captain Robert Walton
What is Mary Shelly's most famous work?
What symbol doe the trees and seasons represent in Frankenstein?
a symbol of hope and inspiration
What subject does Victor Frankenstein love the most?
What big project does the creature want Frankenstein to do?
He wants him to make a mate?
What is De Lacey's daughter's name?
What is another name for Frankenstein
The Modern Prometheus
What figurative language is used below from the quote of the creature?
"I ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the fallen angel
What happens to Caroline, Victor's mother?
She dies from a disease she catches from Elizabeth.
Name at least three reasons why Victor doesn't want to go through with creating a female for the creature.
The female might reject the creature
The female might fall for a normal human.
What is the name of the servant girl who was blamed for the death of Victor's brother?
Why was Mary Shelly disowned by her father?
She eloped and got married to Percy Shelley.
What does the fire symbolize in Frankenstein
violence of the creature
Where does Victor find the bodies for his experiments?
In the death houses
What does Victor Frankenstein do when he sees the monster looking at him through the window in England?
He destroyed the female creature, ripping it to shreds.
What is the name of the cousin who Victor eventual marries?
Elizabeth Lavenza
What country is Mary Shelly from?
What dd the glaciers and Artic represent in Frankenstein
What part of the Bible does Mary Shelly reference, and what two characters does she compare the monster to?
Adam and Satan
What does Victor do when the creature kills Elizabeth?
After Elizabeth's death, Victor Frankenstein chases the creature across Europe, primarily through Switzerland, Germany, and Russia tending to kill him.
Which brother of Frankenstein was killed by the monster?
Whose heart did Mary Shelly keep?
Her husbands
What does the creature symbolize in Frankenstein
What goes wrong when man tries to play God
What big event happens when Victor returns from traveling?
He marries Elizabeth.
Where does Frankenstein get the bodies to create his monster?
In Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein obtains the bodies he uses to create his monster by robbing graves and death houses.
Who is Beaufort to Caroline?
Her father
What terrible dream did Mary have when she was 18?
When the English writer Mary Shelley was eighteen, she had a terrifying waking dream: of a scientist at work on his abominable creation; a patchwork man made of body parts stolen from corpses. Her dream led her to write her first novel, Frankenstein.
What symbols to women like Elizabeth and Caroline represent?
Innocence and beauty of females
What event happens that makes Victor interested in bringing back the dead?
His mother death causes his interest.
Where is the last place does Frankenstein go to confront the monster?
In Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein," the last place Victor Frankenstein goes to confront the monster is the Arctic
Which character works for the government?
Alphonse Frankenstein's, Victor's father.
Who was Mary Shelly's famous father?
William Godwin
What does Victor symbolize in Frankenstein?
Obsession and irresponsibility of mankind
Who does Victor meet on Mount Glacier in Switzerland during a family vacation?
The creature
Why does Elizabeth write to Victor when she doesn't hear from him for a while?
Which character is a penniless merchant?
Beaufort, Caroline's father
What does the monster do at the Delacy's cottage?
Feeling lonely and bereft again, the creature lashes out, burning the De Lacey cottage to the ground
What happens to Victor at the end of Frankenstein?
He dies
What is name magistrate who accuses Victor of Henry’s murder.