A green substance that converts sunlight to energy?
What is the scientific name for the hammer?
The malleus
What is the little opening that lets in light to the eye called?
The cornea
What biome has a hot and dry climate?
What system is the heart apart of?
The Circulatory System
Choloroplasts and cell walls and very large vacuoles are found only in _______ cells?
What vibrates to send sound to the bones of the middle ear?
The Ear Drum
The colored part of the eye is called the?
What biomes climate is colder then a deciduous forest but mainly has pine trees?
Coniferous Forest
What system is the brain apart of?
the nervous system
What organelle makes protein for the cell?
What is the scientific name for the Anvil?
The Incus
The clear protective covering of the eye is called the?
What biome is very cold and is a very dry area?
What system is the esophagus apart of?
The digestive system
What is the control center of the cell called?
What traps dirt and dust particles?
Ear wax
What is the part of the eye that has light detecting cells?
What biome has 4 distinct seasons?
The deciduous forest
What system is the lungs apart of?
Storage area for water and dissolved nutrients?
What acts like a funnel to send sound waves towards your eardrum?
The auricle
The ______ nerve carries light information into the brain
What biome doesn't have enough moisture for trees but still enough for small plants?
What system is the spinal cord apart of?
The nervous system