Thermal energy moving from a higher temperature to a lower temperature object is called
What is Heat
Difference between thermal energy and temperature?
What is Thermal- depends on mass, temp, and phase of object Temperature- does not depend on mass Temperature is a measurement of thermal energy
Equation for speed, work, power, and acceleration
Total distance/total time Force*Distance Work/time Velocity Final - Velocity Initiate/time
When does a ball dropping have the highest KE and highest PE?
What is KE: right before the ball is about to hit the ground PE: At the balls highest point
Diff. between mass and weight
What is mass-measure of inertia in an object weight- measure of force of gravity acting on an object
What factors affect the gravitational attraction between 2 objects?
What is distance and mass
visible white light can be refracted by a _____ into different colors that have different _____.
What is prism and wavelengths
Work is the transfer of ____ on an object
What is energy
2 ways to decrease the acceleration of an object
What is reduce objects mass, and decrease force applied
What 3 things are necessary to have an electrical circuit/
What is wire, resistor, powersource
Mechanical waves are created by ______
What is vibrations
How is a projectile different from objects in free fall?
What is free fall objects are under influence of gravity
What is the law of conservation of energy? What was Einstein's amendment to this law?
What is that energy cannot be created or destroyed. Einstein said that mass and energy are equivalent and can be converted into each other.
What is a wave?
What is a disturbance in matter
Speed of an electromagnetic wave?
What is 3*10 to the 8th
a mirage is an image of a distant object caused by the __ of light
What is reflection
what are 6 simple machines?
What is lever, wheel and axle, inclined plane, wedges, screws, and pulleys
3 ways machines change work
What is Change size of force needed direction of force distance over which a force acts
What is buoyancy and what direction does it act?
What is upward force an object feels from the water and compared to weight
What are the fossil fuels, how are they formed, and where do they get their energy from?
What is Coal-in ancient swamps Natural gas- remains of marine organisms Petroleum- remains of marine organisms The Sun
What are the types of energy and describe them. (10)
Kinetic-energy of motion Potential-energy stored as result of position or shape Gravitational potential-potential energy that depends on objects height Elastic-potential energy of object that's stretched or compressed Mechanical-energy associated with motion and position of everyday objects. Thermal-Total potential and kinetic energy related to all motion in particles Chemical- energy stored in chemical bonds. Electrical- energy associated with electrical charges Electromagnetic- form of energy that travels through space in waves Nuclear-energy associated in atomic nuclei
Identify an ex. of all types of energy (10)
Kinetic-running, ball rolling Potential- playing cello Gravitational potential energy-putting paper on high shelf Elastic-stretching rubber band Mechanical- speeding trains, bouncing balls Thermal-Heater Chemical- burning wood (to make smores) Electrical- Batteries Electromagnetic- X-rays Nuclear- Heat+ light of sun
Identify and describe the types of renewable energy
What is Hydroelectric- energy obtained from flowing water Solar- sunlight that is converted into usable energy Geothermal- thermal energy beneath Earth's surface Biomass- chemical energy stored in living things Hydrogen fuel cell- reacting hydrogen with oxygen generates energy
3 ways heat can transfer, describe, and give example
What is Conduction-transfer of thermal energy w/no overall transfer of matter. EX: Touching something hot Convection- transfer of thermal energy when particles of a fluid move from one place to another EX: boiling water Radiation- transfer of energy by waves moving through space. EX-sunlight warming a rock
4 types of friction and ex of each
What is Static-taking a step Rolling- rolling a ball Fluid- airplane flying Sliding- sliding coin across table