Light, water, soil and air.
Forces are....?
Pushes and pulls.
How can you change the shape of a plastic bottle?
By squashing it.
How can you go slower on a bike?
You pull on the brakes.
The eagle's habitat is...?
A push is a force...
Which is the most changeable object?
Plastic bottle, sock, modeling dough.
Modeling dough.
How do you make the ball move faster?
Pushing the ball/Kicking the ball.
Which materials can you recycle?
Metal, paper, plastic, glass.
A pull is a force...
towards you
Which is the least changeable object?
Sock, pipe cleaner, glass bottle.
Glass bottle.
How can you make things stop moving?
Pushes and pulls can make things stop moving.
Rocks can be....?
Strong, soft, waterproof, made into shapes.
How can you stop a bouncing ball?
To change the shape of the object we need to use?
Why something speeds up or slows down?
Because of a force.