As an adult, Thales asked this question.
What is "Why"?
His "amusing" nickname.
What is the laughing philosopher?
What is Hippocrate's interest?
The thought that all matter is composed of tiny particles called "atoms".
What is atomism?
It tells you how high or low a musical note is
What is pitch?
Thales studied this subject in Egypt.
What is Math?
Democritus learned a lot from him.
Who is Leucippus?
The island of Cos
What is where Hippocrates lived?
An atom that has lost or gained electrons and now has an electric charge.
What is an ion?
The clumps and spread-out areas of air in a sound wave
What are crests and troughs
Thales thought all things were made of this.
What is water?
Birthplace of Democritus. Leucippus had a school there.
What is Abdera?
The Father of Modern Medicine
What is Hippocrate's nickname
Vibrating molecules, slowly moving molecules, quickly moving molecules
What is solid, liquid, and gas?
The term used when hydrogen peroxide breaks down into water and oxygen
What is decomposition?
Pythagoras used math to study this subject.
What is music?
A wrong idea held by Democritus involved shape.
What is the difference between atoms?
The oath physicians take before practicing medicine
What is the Hippocratic Oath?
The three basic parts of an atom
What is proton, neutron, and electron?
Protects a cut better
What is a clean bandage/cover with alcohol?
Sin, being unlucky, or a mischievous god..
What caused sickness?
Another wrong idea held by Democritus
What is "atoms are indivisible"?
The four humors that affect mood and health
What are blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm?
One proton, one electron
What is Hydrogen?
Aids in the digestion of fat
What is bile?