What is the symbol for Oxygen?
Who made E=mc²?
Albert Einstein
This is the largest ocean on Earth, covering more than 60 million square miles.
Pacific Ocean
This is the largest planet in our solar system, known for its Great Red Spot.
What movie is associated with Dinosaurs?
Jurassic Park
What is the symbol for Helium?
This scientist had an apple fall on his head.
Isaac Newton
This deep ocean trench, located in the western Pacific Ocean, is the deepest part of the world's oceans, reaching a depth of about 36,000 feet.
Mariana Trench
Known as the "Red Planet," this planet has the tallest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons.
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This giant, meat-eating dinosaur is the star predator of Jurassic Park, known for its loud roar and tiny arms.
What does the symbols of the elements Lithium and Phosphorus spell?
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This scientist helped in the creation and was often mistaken of being the first person to create a light source.
Thomas Edison
This type of underwater ecosystem, known for its biodiversity, is made up of colonies of tiny marine organisms called polyps.
Coral Reef
This planet is closest to the Sun and has a surface temperature that can reach up to 800°F (430°C) during the day.
In the movie, these fast, clever dinosaurs hunt in packs and can open doors (In the movie Jurassic park)
What is the chemical symbol for Mercury?
This person is associated with survival of the fittest.
Charles Darwin
This type of ocean wave is characterized by a rapid rise in water levels caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun. Associated with earthquakes and natural disasters.
These icy objects, often with bright tails, originate from the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud.
What material that comes from tree preserved many prehistoric preserves?
This chemical has the symbol W. Light bulbs and ray tubes are often made of this material. The name of the element starts with T.
What is the name of the power puff girls dad? Or tell me how he made the power puff girls?
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Professor Utonium. Sugar, Spice, and everything nice + chemical X
This phenomenon occurs when the surface water of the ocean becomes unusually warm, leading to disruption of normal weather patterns and often resulting in extreme weather events. It is a climate pattern.
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El Nino
What is (Name of star)
Fossils are most commonly found in this type of rock, formed from layers of sediment over time.
Sedimentary rock