Name one famous Scientist
Albert Einstein
A doctor that deals mostly with children is called
A pediatrician
The study of matter, what it's made of, and how they interact. (Hint: Think atoms, molecules, and reactions)
This organ controls all functions of the body and is part of the nervous system.
The Brain
This small insect is considered the deadliest animal in the world.
How much planets are there?
An eye doctor is called
An optometrist
Science of animals
The smallest bone in the human body is found in this part of the body.
The Ear
This desert animal can go for weeks without water.
What are 3 main genres of science
Biology, Chemistry, Physics
A skin doctor is called
The science of stars
This carries oxygen, nutrients, and waste through the body.
The Blood
This ancient sea creature has existed for over 400 million years and has multiple rows of teeth.
What gives green plants pigment
A doctor that alters your appearance
A plastic surgeon
Science of marine life
Marine Biology
This organ filters blood and helps remove toxins.
The Liver
Which bear is an herbivore even though most bears are omnivores.
The Panda
Whats the colored part of the eye called
A doctor for your brain is called
A neurologist or a neurosurgeon
The science of plants
As a baby, This important bone starts as cartilage before developing into the bone as you age.
The Kneecap
This animal has the strongest bite force of any living animal.
The Crocodile