Energy of motion
What is kinetic energy?
DNA determines your ______.
What are traits?
Speed and direction of an object
What is velocity?
Stored energy due to an object's position
What is potential energy?
The backbone of DNA is made up of _______ and ________.
What is sugar and phosphate?
Change in position of an object
What is displacement?
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only ________.
DNA contains four chemical bases:
What are Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, and Cytosine?
Force = Mass x Acceleration
What is Newton's 2nd Law of Motion?
An object has more potential energy the ______ it is to the earth.
What is farther?
DNA stands for ___________.
What is deoxyribonucleic acid?
Unit of acceleration
What is m/s2?
Mass and kinetic energy have a _____ relationship.
What is linear?
DNA is located in the _______.
What is the nucleus of a cell?
The force that stops objects from moving at a constant velocity forever
What is friction?