has roots, stems, and leaves (---- - -------)
(with a cuticle)
What is a cell wall?
It surronds the cell and is strong and rigid. Its used for protection and structural surrport
Which one has the other types?
What is water in science?
Whats cuticle on leaves do?
help prevent water loss
True or false
vascular plants can grow very tall
It is the largest structure in the plant and stores water, waste, and food
What is attached to it?
Gynosprem and Angiosprem
What is Oxygen in science?
Its a ------ how all the ----------- captures sunlight in the leaves of the plant and the -----.
what vascular tissue
helps transport water, food and minerals
What is the Chloroplast?
A structure where food is made and it contains Chloroplast
Bonus song --
"Unlike me and you plants need --- and they make ----- that stops us turning blue."
What is carbon dioxide in science?
What does Stomata allow?
Allows oxygen, water and carbon dioxide to move
Whats a cuticle on a leave do?
helps prevent water loss
Whats Chlorophyll?
A green pigment inside Chloroplast and it absorbs sunlight which drives photosynthesis
What is the next holiday after Christmas?
What glucose in science?
C2 H12 O6
What does a vascular tissue do?
Help transport water, food, and minerals into plant
Extra box--
take a guess how many days till Christmas
True or False--
Gymnosperm is in a different place as Angiosperm
What is the equation for photosynthesis?
Carbon dioxide, water, -engery-> oxygen, glucose
What the difference between Gymnosperm and Angiosperm
No Ex. >>>
That Gynosperm is not covered while Angiosperms Are