Changes in the State of Matter
Particle Nature of Matter
Arrangement of Particles
Physical Change

Define heating. 

Heating is the process of adding energy to something to make it warmer or increase its temperature.


What is matter? 

Everything around us that occupies space and has mass.


What are the forms of matter? 

Solid, Liquid, Gas

What is physical change

Refers to those changes in which no new substance is formed. These changes can change in size, shape, and state.


What happens to the particles of water on heating?

On heating, the particles of water gain energy and start moving apart

Matter or Not? Why?


Matter. It has both mass and takes up space (volume).



What is Solid?

- Solids are a state of matter that have a definite shape and volume

- The particles in a solid are tightly packed together and have a strong attraction to each other, which makes it difficult for them to move freely.


True or False. 

All physical changes are reversible.

False. Not all physical changes are reversible. 


Why does a solid change into a liquid on heating?

When a solid is heated, its particles gain energy and start moving apart. 


Matter or Not? Why?


Sunlight is not an example of matter because it doesn't have mass or take up space. 


What is Liquid?

- Liquids are a state of matter that have a definite volume but take the shape of their container.

- The particles in a liquid are loosely packed together and have a weaker attraction to each other than the particles in a solid, allowing them to move more freely.


What do you mean of Reversible?

Refers to a change that can be undone or reversed, returning the substance to its original state.


Why does a liquid change into a gas on heating?

The heat energy causes the particles in the liquid to move faster.


True or False. 

Water, air, tables, and all other matter present around us is made up of big particles.

False. Water, air, tables, and all other matter present around us is made up of tiny particles.


What is Gas?

- Gases do not have a definite shape or volume and will fill any container they are in.

- The particles in a gas are widely spaced apart and have a very weak attraction to each other, allowing them to move freely and randomly.


Provide example of Physical Change. 

Answer may vary. 


What does changes in the state of matter mean?

It refer to the transformations that occur when a substance shifts from one state (solid, liquid, gas, plasma) to another due to changes in temperature or pressure. 


What is matter made of?

Matter has Particles. All types of matter are

made of particles. Particles are very small in size.


Whats are particles? 

Particles are the tiny, fundamental components that make up matter. They are the building blocks of all physical substances.


Yes or No. Why?

Falling of leaves from a tress an example of Physical Change? 

Yes. Nothing about what the leaf is made of changes—only its position. 
