Food Chain/Food Web
Water Cycle

What are the three types of organisms found in an ecosystem?

Producer, consumer, decomposer 


In a food web, where is energy always primarily created?

The sun


A. Books sitting on a table        B. Cat sleeping on a couch C. Pictures hung on the wall        D. Girl Kicks a soccer ball

Which option shows an unbalanced force?

D, because the girl kicking the soccer ball shows an unbalanced force.


Which would be the best way to label the directions for the investigation?  

The black arrows should be labeled with the phrase “heat added” and the white arrows should be labeled with the phrase “heat removed.”


What 2 weather instruments are used to measure wind?

Wind vane and anemometer 


A widespread forest fire burned down most of the eucalyptus trees. How would this affect the community?

The koala population would also go down because they would have no food to eat, therefore, also decreasing the dingo population since they would have fewer koalas to eat.



Using the model, what best describes the role of the mangrove tree?



A fourth grade class with 24 students is playing tug of war with a rope against their teacher. What BEST describes the expected outcome?

The 24 students will win since the forces are unbalanced because they will have more force pulling on their side compared to the one teacher.


What label should be on each number and why?

1: Evaporation from a body of water; 2: Condensation forms clouds; 3: Precipitation such as rain, sleet, snow or hail; 4: Runoff is water that lands on the ground and moves down the hill to a body of water.


If cold dry air is moving into warm, moist air what kind of front would be approaching and what weather might occur?

A cold front brings thunderstorms followed by clear cold skies.


Which environmental change would be harmful to the survival of a robin?

Humans cutting down trees to build houses.


Which organism gets the most energy directly from the sun?



Marissa grows two marigold plants in two hanging pots. She plants one marigold upright and she plants the other upside down, as seen in the picture above. Both marigolds’ roots grow downward.

What evidence could Marissa claim as the gravitational force affects the motion of an object?

The roots grow downward because they are affected by the force of gravity.


The Glaciers are melting most likely because Earth’s temperatures are rising. A student wanted to show how heat affects ice. What temperature does it need to be so that the ice doesn’t melt?

32 or below


Based upon the map, what can you conclude about the weather and how people should dress in the Southeast near Miami?

People should wear tank tops and flip flops. The forecast is for a heat wave.


 In a forest ecosystem, a disease killed many of the rodents. Which of the following is most likely to occur after this happens?

The numbers of animals that eat the rodents will decrease.


What is the role of a decomposer in an ecosystem?

The decomposer breaks down the secondary consumer once it is dead that will give nutrients to the producer.


Linda wants to do an experiment to test the effect that weight has on motion. She will set up an experiment as shown in the following diagram, putting different weights on the string to see how far the car moves.

What effect with the weights have on the motion of the car?

The more weight Linda adds, the faster the car will move because gravity pulls the weight to the ground.


Students are boiling water to show how temperature affects water. Which of the following temperatures will students observe steam evaporating from the water?

212 degrees or more


What are the 3 types of clouds and their characteristics?

Cumulus- white and fluffy 

Stratus- straight and flat

Cirrus- feathery and wispy


How could commercial fishing affect the marine ecosystem? 

If too many fish are taken out of the ecosystem, the predator, the dolphin, population would also go down.



Using the two sets of data above, what explanation BEST describes the changes in flow of energy in the ecosystem?

The monarch butterfly is currently scarce,which means that wasps will have less food supply and will also  become scarce.


Students want to investigate how marble can demonstrate a balanced force. What is the BEST situation to demonstrate a balanced force?

Student 3 blows on a marble with a straw, but the marble does not move.  (something about how the marble will not move)


A student wants to draw the impact of the water cycle. Water is a clear, colorless, tasteless and odorless liquid that makes up seas, lakes, rivers and rain. It is one of the most common substances on Earth and in fact covers 70 percent of the planet's surface. Water from a pond in Georgia can end up watering a forest around the world in China.

What information should the student include to describe how a drop of water from Georgia can end up watering a forest in China?

The water cycle is not limited to one area. The water will be pushed by winds when it becomes clouds.


What is the difference between weather and climate?

Weather is happening right now. Climate is recorded over several years. 
