What is W?
13.7 Billion Years Old
How old is the universe?
true or false
Is sterling silver pure silver?
False, it contains up to 7.5% copper
The Cell
What is a basic unit of life?
Schrödinger’s cat is a thought experiment dealing with which type of mechanics?
Quantum Mechanics
What is Arsenic?
Sucks in everything, including light.
What is a black hole?
What is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature?
What process do plants use to convert sunlight to energy?
Which British physicist discovered the existence of electrons?
J. J. Thomson
What is americum?
over 40 years
How long do seasons last on Neptune?
Iron pyrite crystals.
What is 'fools gold'?
What is the powerhouse of the cell?
What law explains the three basic laws of mechanics?
Newton’s Law
Name at least 3 elements named after scientists
Curium (Marie and Pierre Curie), Einsteinium (Albert Einstein), Fermium (Enrico Fermi), Mendelevium (Dmitri Mendeleev), Nobelium (Alfred Nobel), Roentgenium (Wilhelm Röntgen), Rutherfordium (Ernest Rutherford), Lawrencium (Ernest Lawrence), and Seaborgium (Glenn T. Seaborg)
How many constellations are there?
Count Alessandro Volta
Who invented the first battery?
Who is the 'father of biology'?
What study looks at the theoretical behaviors of subatomic particles?
Quantum Theory
3 elements that are named after countries
What is Germanium (Germany), Francium (France), Polonium (Poland), and Americum (America)
Solar Storms
What are storms produced by the sun called?
What chemical causes a burning taste when eating chilies?Capsaicin
What is the largest known virus?
theoretical framework in which the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings.
What is string theory?