What is magnetism?
A non-contact force that can attract or repel objects.
What is an electric conductor?
A material that allows electricity to flow through it.
What happens when two like magnetic poles are brought together?
They repel each other.
What is electromagnetism?
The interaction between electricity and magnetism.
What is a static charge?
A stationary electric charge.
Where are magnets the strongest?
At the poles.
Name two materials that are electric conductors.
Copper, aluminum.
What happens when opposite magnetic poles are brought together?
They attract each other.
Name one way to make an electromagnet stronger.
Add more coils of wire.
When do electric charges attract or repel each other?
Like charges repel; opposite charges attract.
Give three examples of nonmagnetic materials.
Wood, plastic, glass.
Why are metals good electric conductors?
They have free electrons that allow electricity to flow easily.
What are magnetic domains and how do they explain magnetic behavior?
Domains are groups of atoms with magnetic fields. If they align, the material becomes magnetic.
What direction is the magnetic field in relation to an electric current?
What direction is the magnetic field in relation to an electric current?
How does moving a magnet through a wire coil produce electricity?
Moving the magnet through the coil changes the magnetic field, causing electrons to move and generate electricity.