Forces, Motion and Structure
Solar System
Matter and Materials

___________ is a push or pull on an object.

a) A force 

b) Energy 

c) pressure 

d) weight 

A- A force 


Which of the following statements about the solar system is false?

   (a) Rockets are used as a form of transport to take astronauts into space.

   (b) The Earth spins once on its axis every 365 days.

   (c) The moon reflects light from the Sun.

B- Earth spins once on its axis every 365 days 


 A community of organisms living together is called a/an _______.

a) food web 

b) ecosystem  

c) species 

d) population

B- Ecosystem 


Two devices used to measure wind direction are: 

a. Rain gauge and anemometer

b. Thermometer and barometer

c. Wind vane and windsock

C- wind vane and wind sock 


Which of the following is the BEST way to dispose of plastic?

   (a) Burn it to make energy

   (b) Add it to landfill

   (c) Recycle it 



What unit is used to measure force?

a) newton 

b) joules 

c) degrees

d) watts 

A- newton 


The factors needed for the existence of life on a planet are:

    (a) ice, high temperature and nitrogen

    (b) sunlight, liquid water and right temperature

    (c) low temperatures, oxygen and rocks 

B- sunlight, liquid, water and right temperature


Some animals were brought in and kept in cages in the laboratory. They were given corn, rice, insects and pieces of meat. They only ate corn and rice. 

   These animals in their natural habitat would most likely eat______.

    (a) Only producers      

     (b) Producers and consumers   

     (c) Only consumers

A- Only producers 


Which of the following is NOT precipitation? 

a) Sandstorm

b) Hail

c) rain

A- Sand Storm


The best metal which can be used to create the body of an airplane is? 

a) gold 

b) lead 

c) steel 

d) aluminum 

D- aluminum 


Wendy watched as an insect walked across the surface of a pool. Which force enables the insect to walk on the surface of the water?

a) friction 

b) surface 

c) gravity 

d) magnetism 

B- Surface tension 


Which tool would be best for observing

 distant objects?

          (a)  a                     (b) b                      (c) c



Which organism from the food chain is a secondary consumer?

       (a) frog       (b) grasshopper          (c) snake

A- Frog 


The process shown by the letter A in the diagram is:
a. condensation
b. cloud formation
c. evaporation


C- Evaporation 


Danny took a pan off the fire and got burned by the handle. What material was the handle MOST LIKELY made of?

a) glass

b) wood 

c) plastic 

d) metal

D- metal 


The amount of gravitational pull depends on an object's _____.

a) shape 

b) location 

c) mass 

d) size 

C- mass


Which of the following machines have helped scientists to put people into space and explore other planets?
A. rockets
B. submarines
C. satellites



Which animal competes with the spider for food? 

a) caterpillar 

b) bird 

c) mouse 

d) fly 

B- bird 


High, wispy clouds are called:
a. nimbus
b. nimbostratus
c. cirrus

C- Cirrus


Which of the following statements is true? 

a) Matter is changeable from one form to another

b) Ice is heavier than water 

c) All states of matter are compressible 

d) Matter can only exist in one state

A- Matter is changeable from one form to another


Why is it harder to stop a train than a motorcycle, even when the motorcycle is moving faster?

a) because the motorcycle is smaller 

b) because the train has more momentum and more mass

c) because the train has less momentum and less mass 

B- because the train has more momentum and more mass 


Which sphere is the interior part of the Earth part of? 

a) biosphere 

b) geosphere 

c) hydrosphere

d) atmosphere  

B- Geosphere 


Nutrients are returned to the soil by _________? 

a) scavengers 

b) producers 

c) decomposers

d) consumers 

C- Decomposers 


Which of the following BEST explains why St. Lucia has a hotter climate than Canada? 

a) Canada is covered with thick clouds that blocks the sun's light 

b) St. Lucia is closer to the equator therefore it receives more direct sunlight than Canada

c) St. Lucia is smaller than Canada so St. Lucia heats up quicker 

d) Canada has a lot of forest which helps to keep the place cool 

B. St. Lucia is closer to the equator therefore it receives more direct sunlight than Canada 


Which is NOT an example of a physical change?

a) dyeing your hair pink 

b) burning a piece of paper

c) melting ice cream 

d) breaking a chocolate bar into small pieces 

B- burning a piece of paper 
