Why do leaves change color?
When leaves die, the pigment cells inside of the leaf die causing a brownish color.
What is a term for when a star explodes?
What is supernova?
What process do plant use to convert sunlight into energery?
What is photosynthesis?
How long is the lifespan of a human red blood cell?
120 days
What is cooled lava called?
What is a chemical reaction?
When the chemical property of a material changes.
What is the outer most layer of the atmosphere called?
What is exosphere
What molecule carries genetic instructions in living organisims?
How many bones are in a foot?
26 bones
What color indicates that soil is rich in nutrients?
Black soil
What is the difference between radiation and radioactivity?
Radiation is energy in the form of particles or waves. Radioactivity, is the atoms in a material that are unstable.
What is the disk that encircles a black hole?
What is acretion disk?
What's the name in which cells divide to create 2 identical cells?
What is mitosis?
What is the only mammal that can lay eggs?
What is the name of the molten rock found deep in volcanoes?
What is magma?
The first law of thermodynamics?
Matter cannot be created nor destroyed, only transferred or converted.
How old is the universe?
13.7 Billion years old.
What blood type is known as the universal donor?
What is O negative blood type?
What living organism produces the most oxygen?
What is the only rock that floats?
What is pumice?
What is a term for a reaction that absorbs heat?
What is Endothermic?
What is the unit of measurement used to describe the expanision of the universe?
What is the hubble constant?
Which gland in the body is called the master gland?
What is pituitary gland?
What does TNT stand for?
Growing plants without using soil is called?
What is Hydroponics?