The brightness of a star
What is is magnitude?
Stars are glowing balls of gas
What is true?
Helped develop space rockets for travel
Who is Wernher Von Braun?
An irregular rock, metal, and bits of dust
What is an asteroid?
The scientific study of stars
What is astronomy?
The measurement of a star's apparent movement
What is parallax?
Red stars are the hottest
They launched the 1st liquid-fueled rocket
Who is Robert Goddard?
Contains two stars
what is a Binary system?
Described as star signs
What is astrology?
The area between Mars and Jupiter?
What is the kuiper belt?
Each orbit that a planet makes is called a rotation.
What is false?
The first man to walk on the moon?
Who was Neil Armstrong?
What is a galaxy?
How the brightness of a star appears
What is apparent brightness?
The planet man can survive on
What is the Earth?
Similar to stars, and the sun, the moon makes its own light
What is false?
An American Astronaut on Apollo 11
Who is Michael Collins?
2-3 stars held together by gravity
What is a multiple star group?
Actual brightness of a star
Stars that change magnitude
What is variable stars?
Sunspots are dark spots on the photosphere that may relate to solar storms
What is true?
One of the three astronauts on Apollo 11
(not on study guide)
Who was Buzz Aldrin?
Frozen gas, water, and dust
What is a comet?
Earth's location and it's evidence for God
What is perfect design?