Plants and Animals
The Solar System
Nature of Science

An animal eats the ripe fruit that falls from a cherry tree. The animal digests the fruit and the wastes of the fruit pass through the animal’s body and are deposited into the ground. What process of plant reproduction has happened?




D.seed dispersal

Answer D is correct because the wastes of the fruit depositing into the ground is seed dispersal. Seeds are some of the wastes of the fruit, and an animal that eats the fruit is able to pass the seeds and disperse them to a new location.


On a hot summer day at the beach, Beth reached into her cooler for a cold drink. She wiped the can dry with her towel only to see a few seconds later that it was wet again. Which statement best describes what Beth observed?

A.The can has skin­like pores that let some water out.

B.Heat causes water vapor to precipitate onto the surface of the can.

C.Water vapor in the air condenses onto the surface of the can.

D.The high air temperature at the beach is partially melting the can



Michel notices that the time on the clock shows 3:00 P.M. What can Michel conclude about Earth at the same time the next day?

A.Earth will have been traveling in space for 12 hours. 

B.Earth will have made one complete rotation on its axis.

C.Earth will have made one complete revolution around the Sun.

D.Earth will have made one complete revolution around the Moon.

Answer B is correct because it takes Earth 24 hours, or one day, to make one complete rotation on its axis.


Greg went hiking. He took along a trail mix of nuts, raisins, and other dried fruit. When he got home, he separated the raisins from the leftover mix to use in his breakfast oatmeal. Which is true about the raisins after they were separated from the mixture?

A.Their size decreased

B.They tasted sweeter

C.They became lighter in color

D.Their properties were the same

Answer D is correct because the component parts of a mixture retain their properties when the mixture is separated.


Diego set up this model to show how clouds form. Why is Diego’s activity NOT an experiment?

A. It is not carried out under controlled conditions. 

B. There are no well defined variables.

C. No observations are being made. 

D. It is not repeatable

Answer B is correct because no variables are being tested or controlled


Anthony covered half of the leaves on a plant with dark paper. He covered the other leaves with clear plastic. When he uncovered the leaves, the leaves covered with paper were pale. The leaves covered in plastic were still green. What conclusion can Anthony draw from this investigation?

A. Plants absorb soil through their leaves.

B. Plants absorb food through their leaves.

C. Plants absorb water through their leaves.

D. Plants absorb sunlight through their leaves

Answer D is correct because the pale leaves had been blocked from sunlight and were pale, but the leaves that received sunlight were still green.


Amelia has observed water run off into the ocean in many places and for many years. The level of the water in the ocean does not seem to have changed. Why?

A.Water evaporates from the ocean’s surface.

B.Some ocean water freezes and becomes glaciers.

C.Salt makes ocean water heavier so it takes up less space.

D.Water seeps into the ocean bed and becomes groundwater.



Curtis made a diagram of the phases of the Moon. How should Curtis label the phases of the Moon, beginning with the new moon? moon, first-half moon, full moon, new moon moon, third-quarter moon, half moon, full moon moon, first-quarter moon, full moon, half moon moon, first-quarter moon, full moon, third-quarter moon.

Answer D is correct because the cycle of the Moon begins with the new moon phase, moves to the first quarter phase, followed by the full moon, and finishes with the third quarter moon before beginning again with a new moon


Students are experimenting with different ways to separate mixtures into their original parts. What method would be the easiest way to separate one cup of a mixture of white rice and fine table salt?

A.Use a sifter to separate by particle size.

B.Use a bowl of water to separate by flotation.

C.Use a black paper background to separate by color.

D.Use a pair of forceps to separate by shape

Answer A is correct because the particles of salt are much smaller than the grains of rice.


Lila did an experiment to see whether salt water or freshwater evaporates more quickly. She put a jar of each type of water on her desk.  Every day she recorded the amount of water left in each of the jars. Why was it important for Lila to keep records of the progress of her experiment? she can show that she is a good scientist other people can tell if she misses any days she will know whether anyone knocks over one of the jars and spills the water her results can be compared to those of others doing the same experiment

Answer D is correct because comparing and analyzing experimental data is the main reason for record keeping


A plant was turned on its side in the pot and allowed to grow for one week. When the plant was examined, the roots had changed the direction of their growth and were still growing downward instead of sideways. Which of the conditions explains why the plant’s roots continued to grow downward even when it was on its side?

A. heat

B. light

C. gravity

D. water

Answer C is correct because gravity does explain why a plant’s roots grow downward.


Swampy areas like the one shown below can be found in many Florida locations. What weather conditions are most frequently found in this environment?

A.high temperature, high humidity

B.high temperature, low humidity

C.low temperature, high humidity

D.low temperature, low humidity

Answer A is correct because Florida wetlands often have high temperature and high humidity. 


The astronauts were the first humans to see the side of the Moon that faces away from Earth. Which of the following statements explains why we only see one side of the Moon from Earth?

A The Moon appears to move across the sky each night.

B The Moon revolves around Earth and the Sun at the same time.

C The Moon goes through its phases in about one month.

D The Moon rotates once during each orbit of Earth

Answer D is correct because the reason why we only see one side of the Moon is because the Moon takes the same amount of time to rotate once as it does to orbit Earth once.


Mei says that water vapor forming when water boils is a physical change. Which reason can she give to show that she is correct?

A.Water vapor is a gas.

B.Water can be cooled to form a solid.

C.Water vapor can be changed back into water.

D.Bubbles sometimes form during a physical 


Answer C is correct because the ability to change back and forth between states is an indication of physical change.


Rose’s cat had a litter of 4 kittens. All of them are females. She wonders what the chances of having an all-female litter are. To simulate the litter of kittens, Rose tosses 4 coins, letting a head stand for a female and a tail stand for male. She tosses the coins 100 times and records her results each time.What type of investigation is she doing?

A. experiment

B. interview

C. observation

D. survey

Answer A is correct because tests are being performed and variables are tested under controlled conditions.


A typical food chain is made up of sunlight, plants, and animals that have different roles. The roles of the animals in a food chain follow a logical order. Which of the following is most likely the order of organisms in a food chain?

A.producer, herbivore, omnivore, carnivore

B.herbivore, producer, consumer, carnivore

C.consumer, herbivore, omnivore, carnivore

D.herbivore, omnivore, carnivore, producer

Answer A is correct because it is likely that a plant eater will eat the producer, which is a plant of some kind, and then an omnivore will eat the herbivore, because it eats both plants and animals, and then a carnivore will eat the omnivore, because most large predators are carnivores and eat only animals


One summer day while Amy is at the ocean, the wind begins blowing from the ocean onto the land. What change might Amy expect in the weather?

A.increased humidity 

B.increased temperature  

C.decreased air pressure 

D.decreased wind speed

Answer A is correct because wind from the ocean will bring increased humidity.


Kenyon knows that some of the star patterns he sees at night can be seen only during different times of the year from different places on Earth.Which of the following explains why these star patterns are not seen all year long from everywhere on Earth?

A.Earth’s revolution 

B.Earth’s rotation

C.the Sun’s revolution

D.the Sun’s rotation

Answer A is correct because Earth’s revolution around the Sun is why certain star patterns are not seen everywhere on Earth all year long. As Earth travels in its orbit around the Sun, we see different parts of the night sky during different seasons


The Donnerswent camping. Mr. Donner gathered some wood and started a campfire.Which does NOT occur as the fire burns?

A.formation of different substances

B.physical change from wood to ash release in the form of heat

D.release of light due to combustion

Answer B is correct because burning wood is not a physical change; the ash cannot be changed back to wood.


Melissa does an experiment to see which type of insulator keeps a cup of boiling water hot the longest. What will Melissa use as a control in this experiment?

A. empty cup

B. cup of boiling water with no insulator

C. cup of boiling water with no thermometer

D. cup of water that is heated to keep it boiling

Answer B is correct because that will tell how the water cools with no insulator


The water hyacinth is a floating plant that is believed to have entered New Orleans in 1884. It reproduces quickly, forming a dense mat and often jamming rivers and lakes. It is on Florida’s Exotic Pest Plant list. What conclusion can you draw about the water hyacinth’s effect on native water plants?

A.Native species use the water hyacinth for support as they grow.

B.It blocks light and air from native species and impedes their growth. 

C.It is a good companion plant for native species and helps them grow.

D.Native species rely on the water hyacinth for protection from direct sunlight.

Answer B is correct because the water hyacinth uses the resources that the native plants need.


When Sanjay visited Peru, he expected it to be very tropical because it is very close to the equator. Peru is a very rocky, mountainous country. He was surprised to find areas of cooler temperatures and snow. Where was Sanjay when he found these conditions?

A.near a cool ocean 

B.near an iceberg 

C.on a mountain the bottom of a hill

Answer C is correct because the mountainous areas of Peru have cooler temperatures and snow.


We can use large telescopes like this one to help us see other galaxies. If you looked through this telescope and saw another galaxy, what might it look like?

A.single gigantic star

B.disc with two spiral arms moving bright object with a long tail

D.collection of a few stars in a constellation

Answer B is correct because a galaxy looks like a disc with two spiral arms.


Cai could not open a jar of applesauce. She ran hot water over the jar lid. Then she was able to open the jar. Why?

A.The heat caused a physical change and the jar lid expanded slightly.

B.The heat caused a chemical change and the jar lid expanded slightly.

C.The water caused a physical change and the jar lid contracted slightly.

D.The water caused a chemical change and dissolved the applesauce holding the jar lid    closed.

Answer A is correct because heat causes expansion, which would make the jar easier to open.


Rory is setting up an experiment to see how plants react to drought conditions. A drought is a period of time that has little to no precipitation. Which condition will NOT be the same for the control plants as for the drought plants?

A. type of soil used in each pot

B. number of plants in each pot

C. amount of sunlight each plant gets

D. amount of water given to each plant

Answer D is correct because the amount of water for plants in drought conditions will be less than those for the control
