Life Science
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The part that is only in plant cells. A. vacuole B. chloroplast C. cell membrane D. nucleus
What is chloroplast?
When an animal blends in with its surroundings, it is using A. hibernation B. camouflage C. migration D. mimicry
What is camouflage?
Which tool would mark the period of Earth's rotation? A. sundial B. hourglass C. digital watch D. grandfather clock
What is sundial?
A sheet of aluminum foil is an example of what type of material? A. translucent B. shadow C. transparent D. opaque
What is opaque?
Clouds form when water vapor A. evaporation B. condenses C. precipitates D. transpires
What is condenses?
What would most likely happen in an ecosystem if the predators disappeared? A. Prey populations would decrease. B. Prey populations would increase. C. Plant populations would increase. D. Plant populations would stay the same.
What is What is Prey populations would increase?
During cold winters, some animals survive by A. saving water B. hibernating C. shedding their fur D. imitating other animals
What is hibernating.
Which Moon phase follows the waning crescent phase? A. full moon B. third quarter moon C. first quarter moon D. new moon
What is new moon?
You want to describe the speed of a moving car. What do you need to know about the car? A. mass of the car and direction traveled B. time traveled and direction traveled C. mass of the car and distance traveled D. time traveled and distance traveled
What is time traveled and distance traveled?
Which of these statements best describes a region's climate? A. sunny B. tropical C. cloudy with a chance of rain D. high temperature in the 80s
What is tropical?
The producers in an environment A. make food B. get food from animals C. get food from plants D. recycle food
What is Make food?
The producers in an environment A. make food B. get food from animals C. get food from plants D. recycle food
What is What is Make food?
Which of these geological features is the result of deposition? A. a delta B. a canyon C. a valley D. a plain
What is a delta?
Which of these tools would you use to measure weight? A. pan balance B. spring scale C. beaker D. thermometer
What is a spring scale?
Which is a good electrical conductor? A. copper B. rubber C. glass D. wood
What is copper?
Which of these would most likely affect the number of offspring produced by a bird? A. the amount of food available B. the amount of sunlight available C. the bird's color D. the bird's nest size
What is the amount of food available?
Which word describes a plant's response to its environment? A. tropical B. tropism C. gravity D. stimulus
What is tropism?
Which of these processes is most likely to carve a canyon into Earth? A. chemical weathering B. erosion caused by wind C. erosion caused by water D. soil erosion caused by farming
What is erosion caused by water?
What would most likely cause matter to evaporate? A. heat B. sound C. sand D. light
What is heat?
Electrical current cannot flow through A. a closed circuit B. an open circuit C. a series circuit D. a parallel circuit
What is a closed circuit?
Which of these life cycles includes the pupa stage? A. the penguin life cycle B. the damselfly life cycle C. the butterfly life cycle D. the praying mantis life cycle
What is the butterfly life cycle?
Which of these are all natural causes of environmental change? A. flood, pollution, farming B. volcano, overfishing, fire C. hurricane, flood, landslide D. farming, recycling, overfishing
What is hurricane, flood, landslide.
Which of these is a fossil fuel? A. coal B. wind C. electricity D. moving water
What is coal?
Which form of energy is in coal? A. chemical B. electrical C. radiant D. light
What is chemical?
If an electromagnet receives more current, it A. becomes stronger B. becomes weaker C. does not change D. turns off
What is becomes stronger?