Body Systems
Force and Motion

What organs make up the nervous system?

Brain, spinal cord, and nerves


What information do you need to find the speed of a moving object?

The distance the object moved and the time it took to move that distance.


What is the difference between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems? Give an example of each.

Terrestrial ecosystems are land-based (forests, grasslands) Aquatic ecosystems are water-based (lakes, ponds, oceans). 


What is the difference between weather and climate?

Weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a certain time and place.

Climate is the average temperature of an area over many years.


Parker walked 20 meters in 2 minutes. At what speed did Parker walk at?

10 meters/min


What body system produces red and white blood cells?



How does air resistance affect the motion of a falling object?

It reduces the object's speed


What is an estuary?

A body of water in which freshwater from a river meets and mixes with salt water from the ocean. BRACKISH WATER 


What is similar and what is different between El Nino and La Nina?

El Nino and La Nina both occur on the Pacific Ocean.

El Nino is warm and wet. La Nina is cold and dry.


What is a stationary front and what kind of weather do they bring?

Forms where two air masses meet and stop moving; bring clouds and precipitation that last for several days


What is the main function of the circulatory system?

To move oxygen, nutrients, and waste (or carbon dioxide) throughout the body


What is the difference between friction, force, and gravity?

Friction is a force created when two objects rub against each other; it slows motion.

Force is a push or pull.

Gravity is a force that pull objects toward each other.

What is the difference between producers, consumers, and decomposers?

Producers- living thing that makes its own food

Consumers- living thing that gets energy by eating other living things

Decomposers- living thing that gets energy by breaking down wastes and dead plants and animals.


What kind of weather is associated with a warm front and cold front?

Warm front- Rain and increase in temperature

Cold front- storms and decrease in temperature


Give three examples of inherited traits. Give three examples of acquired traits or learned behaviors.

Inherited traits- eye color, hair color, etc.

Acquired traits- language, playing a sport, etc.


What system includes voluntary and involuntary movements and what are the differences between them?

Muscular; we control voluntary movements (like walking or running) and we do not control involuntary movements because they are automatic (like blinking, our heart beating)


True or False: Objects with less mass require more force to move/speed up.

False; Objects with more mass require more force to move/speed up


What are the three kinds of consumers? Explain each.

Herbivores- consumers that eat only or mostly plants

Carnivores- consumers that eat only or mostly animals

Omnivores- consumers that eat both plants and animals


Name three weather tools and what they measure.

Thermometer (temperature), barometer (air pressure), rain gauge (amount of rain), wind vane (wind direction), anemometer (wind speed)


True of False: Multicellular organisms are made up of only one cell. Unicellular organisms are made up of multiple cells 



Describe the relationship between the circulatory system to both the digestive and respiratory systems. 

The circulatory system transports nutrients broken down by our digestive system to our cells in our bodies. 

The circulatory system transports oxygen and waste (carbon dioxide) inhaled and exhaled by our respiratory system to our cells in our bodies.


True or False: A soccer ball and a bowling ball are dropped at the same time from the same height. The bowling ball will hit the ground first.

False; they will hit the ground at the same time because the force of gravity is the same on both objects.


Where would producers, consumers, and decomposers be within a food chain or food web?

Producers- the start

Consumers- middle

Decomposers- end


Name the four types of clouds, what they look like, and what kind of weather they bring.

Stratus- low, sheetlike, blanket, cover entire sky. Bring rain

Cumulus- fluffy, puffy, flat on the bottom. Fair weather

Cumulonimbus- big and dark clouds. Bring thunder, rain, and lightning

Cirrus- Wispy, look like feathers in the sky. Made of ice crystals. Fair weather


Explain what conduction, radiation, and convection are. 

Conduction- the transfer of thermal energy between things that are touching. 

Convection- the transfer of thermal energy by the movement of liquids or gases.

Radiation- the transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves.
