A push or a pull.
What is force?
The brightest object in the night sky.
A form of energy that we can hear.
What is sound?
Everything that takes up space and has mass is?
What is matter?
Sight, sound, touch, taste, _____
What is smell?
The way an object moves.
What is motion?
Flood, hurricane, tornadoes.
What is severe weather?
Move back and forth quickly.
What is to vibrate?
The three states of matter
What is solid, liquid, and gas?
I can see stars very far away by using this tool.
What is a telescope?
When two objects come together with a strong force.
What is to collide?
Water that falls from clouds.
What is precipitation?
How loud or quiet a sound is.
What is volume?
A change to matter without making it into a new kind of matter
What is a physical change?
Put objects that share properties into groups.
What is to classify?
When two objects come together.
What is touch?
The Earth would be cold and dark.
What would happen on the Earth if there was no sun?
A tuning fork is vibrating. It made a sound.
What happens when you hit a tuning fork on something?
Something about an object that you can observe with your five senses.
What is a property?
How far apart two objects or places are.
What is distance?
Two toy cars are pushed. One if pushed softly, another is pushed harder.
The one pushed harder will go further.
The nearest star to Earth.
What is the sun?
A siren is warning people.
Why is a siren so loud?
Something that is flexible, soft, and smooth.
What is...?
What the air is like outside.
What is weather?