what three things do plants need to make their own food?
sunlight, water, co2
what is the first stage of the frog life cycle?
the roots have two jobs, what are they?
anchor the plant, soak up water.
how does co2 get inside the plant?
the stomata
whats the second stage of the frog life cycle called?
what is the job of the stem?
helps the plant stand tall, helps water travel
where does a plant get water from?
The roots
whats one thing tadpoles eat when they hatch?
their egg
what kind of roots grows close to the surface of the ground?
fibrous root
what does a plant make with sunlight water and co2?
glucose (sugar)
what do tadpoles grow into?
froglet/young frog
what kind of root grows in dry areas?
what do plants release to us after making their own food?
which stage of frog the life cycle can live on land and water.
adult frog
a stem that grows underground is called what?