The force of attraction between any two objects due to their mass
What is gravity
An object that produces its own energy, including heat and light
What is a star
A physical combination of two or more substances
What is a mixture
An objects location
What is position
Color and shape, hardness, magnetism, reflectivity, and texture
What are physical properties
The amount of matter in a certain volume of a substance
What is density
An object whose gravity is so strong that light cannot escape it
What is a black hole
Begins and ends with the same kind of matter
What is a Physical Change
a group of objects from which you can measure a position or motion
What is frame of reference
An objects resistance to float
What is buoyancy
a change in velocity with respect to time
What is Acceleration
Any of the patterns that are formed by a group of stars in the night sky
What is a constellation
These are formed by the chemical combination of two or more elements
What is a compound
The length of the space between the starting point and the ending point
What is distance
How strong gravity pulls on an object
What is weight
Any remains or imprints of living things from the past
What is a fossil
A belt of space rocks, and its location
What is an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter
A change of matter that occurs when atoms link together in a new way, creating a new substance different from the original substance
What is a chemical change
any push of pull
A huge cloud of gases and dust where a star forms
What is a nebula
A natural or artificial object in space that circles around another object
What is a Satellite
The tendency of an object to continue to move in a straight line
What is inertia
The temperature at which a substance changes state from a liquid to a solid
What is Freezing Point
When a moving object speeds up or slows down
What is acceleration
The distance light travels in one year
What is a light year