what is the circle on the map that tells you directions called?
A compass
What landfrom is surrounded by water?
an island
what is all the blue stuff on the globe mean?
What is the name of the town you live in?
Bruneau or Mountain Home
A climate that is very cold (where penguins and POLAR bears live)
Polar climate
What landfrom is the biggest body of water?
the ocean
what is all the other stuff on a globe mean?
What is the name of the State you live in (looks like a boot)
What climate is very green and rains all the time? (where monkeys and tigers live)
Tropical climate
What do we call the box on a map that shows what the symbols mean?
A map key
What landform is taller than the ground but is round at the top? (not a mountain)
A hill
what is that imaginary line that splits the globe in half?(rhymes we shmequator)
the equator
the United states is our what?
A climate that is very hot, not a lot grows, and hardly rains (where cacti grow)
Dry climate
What symbol could you use to show where a resturant is?
Fork and spoon
What landform is low, in between two mountains?
A valley
If you live closer to the equator, is it warmer or colder?
what are this big pieces of land called
a climate that have warm summers AND warm winters (like hawaii, or other islands, rhymes with doderate)
moderate climate
What does the N, E, S, and W stand for on a compass?( Never eat soggy waffles)
North, East South, West
A river
Name the 7 continents
North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, Antartica
what is the biggest map of?
the map of the world
a climate where we have our kind of weather and seasons (usually in the middle of a CONTINENT)
continental climate