Unit 1/2
Unit 2/3
Unit 3-6
Unit 6/7
Units 8-10
Life science is the study of______ and living things
What is nature
A full moon occurs _______ a first quarter moon?
What is After
What natural resource makes up Florida's bedrock?
What is Limestone
What type of energy station moves water to generate electricity?
What is Hydroelectric
True/False: An inference is a statement you can make about an observation. If you observe a speed experiment you would infer at the end of the experiment?
What is True
Scientists can perform experiments in labs as well as work outdoors to make observations to find answers to questions. Both scientists are collecting evidence to reach a ____________.
What is conclusion
DAILY DOUBLE: 1.Galileo discovered _________ by using a telescope in the early 1600's. 2. If you heard a fire alarm and jumped you are experiencing a _______ behavior.
1. What is Limestone 2. What is Instinctive
When you burn wood in a fireplace, the ashes are left and the gases leave through a chimney. Suppose you trap the gases. The mass of the wood is _________ the mass of the ashes and gases. This has to do with the Law of Conservation Mass.
What is The same as
Pushing a toy truck down a hill is energy causing _______
What is Motion
DAILY DOUBLE: 1. A butterfly goes through ______ metamorphosis. 2. Mercury can affect the organism a the top of the food chain.Which one would be affected most?
1. What is: Complete 2. What is: Person catching a fish
Which takes the longest: our moon's orbit around the Earth, our moon's rotation on its axis, Earths rotation on its axis, or Earth's revolution around the Sun?
What is Earth around the sun
True/False: The South Florida Natural Resources Center is a division of the Everglades National Park. It educates people on the local environment.
What is True
How can you tell where the north seeking pole on a horse-shoe shaped magnet is?
What is Bring the magnet near the pole of the other magnet.
Putting a metal wire in a candle flame and it heats up shoes us that metal is a ________.
What is Conductor
A seasonal change of a tree is_________ turn from green to various colors.
What is Leaves
What will happen to Earth between January 1,2012 and January 1,2013? Earth will complete ______ (number) ______ (word)
What is 1 and Revolution
A hammer-like tool is used to test the physical property of minerals. Which type of test does this tool test?
What is Cleavage
An iron hing rusting and vegetables cooking on the stove have what in common? They both involve ________ changes?
What is Chemical
Why can light travel through space, but sound can't?
What is No matter in space to vibrate to make the sound.
Daily Double: 1. Grass and seeds store ________ for animals to live. 2. If a scooter can move 10m/sec, how far will it move in 6 seconds?
1. What is energy 2. What is 60m
The NASA program not only contributed to Florida's economy, but as created cultural ________ in Florida by sending a woman, in African American and a Hispanic person to space.
What is Diversity
Rocks can become weathered at the bottom of a fast-flowing river caused by the bumping and scraping of these rocks. This creates _______
What is Sediments
DAILY DOUBLE: 1. If you are blindfolded, what physical property can you describe on an object by? 2. What is the process that helps plants inhabit a large geographic area? _____ ______
1. What is texture 2. What is Seed Dispersal
If an object goes from 40 degrees C to 20 degrees C, that means the object is ________ heat energy?
What is Losing
What is the correct flow of how energy flows through a community?
What is Sun----> Producer-----> Consumer