Unit 8-2
Unit 8-6.4 5
Unit 8-4.4 & 8-4.1
Unit 8-4.7
Crust: this layer on which life exist is covered with soil rock, & water. Mantle: the largest out thickness layer of the earth. Core: has to parts, Inner & Outer core.
How would you describe each layers of the earth?
created when a source of energy forced causes a vibration
How would you explain how waves transport energy?
High pitch-High frequency
How would you explain the relationship between amplitude and pitch?
How much of the sunlight side if the moon forces earth
What causes the moon phases?
*Global warning *Organism *Volcanic Activity *Forest fire *Flooding
How would you summarize natural factors that contributes to the extinction of species?
Transverse wave: is the medium vibrate by moving. Compressional wave: is the matter in the medium vibrate by pushing together and moving apart parrell. Electromagnetic wave: wave that can travel through motion or empty space.
How would you distinguish among transverse,compressional, & electromagnetic waves?
Shorter wavelength-High pitch-High frequency Low Frequency-Low pitch-Larger wavelength
How would you explain the relationship between pitch,frequency, and wavelength?
Venus closes to the sun
How would you explain the reason you would be older on planet venus than earth?
*Hunting *Fishing *Cutting rain forest *Population *Removing the natural habitat
How would you summarize man-Made factors that contributes to the extinction of species?
reflection: is the bending of a wave cause to change speed. refraction:is the bouncing back of a wave. absorption:of certain frequency of light occurs when energy.
How would you describe reflection,refraction,and absorption of waves?
Rotation: the spinning of the body on its axis Revolution: the spinning on the sun and the moon on its axis
How would explain the difference between Rotation and Revolution?
the moon was being closer to the earth than the sun, has the greater pulling effects and tides. the sun also pulls on the earth and can combine its force with the moon causing then higher tides.
How would you explain the effects of gravity on tides and planetary orbits?
closes to the contell line
How would you use information on a topographic map to compare the steepness of slopes on a map?
Solar-when the moon is directly between the sun to earth. Lunar- when earth is directly in between the sun + the moon
What is the difference between a solar and lunar eclipse?
the number of daylight hours changes throughout the years because as earth revolt around the sun, the tilt of its axis 23 1/2 degrees determine the amount of time has the sun is shining that portion of earth
How does the tilt of earth's axis affects the length of the day and the amount of heating of earth's surface, thus causing the seasons of the year?
Igeneous rock: form from magma Sedimentary rocks: forms from compasition Metamophic rocks: forms from heat and pressure
How would you describe the three types of rocks?
A tilt causes season to change
What causes seasons to change?
IV: Pot soil DV: Apple grown
How would you create an experiment where you would have an independent and dependent variable?