Motion and Design
Plants absorb most of the nutrients they need from the soil. Since plants have been on earth for a long time, why has Earth's soil not run out of these nutrients?
A Plants make new nutrients from solar energy and return them to the soil.

B When plants die, nutrients are broken down by decomposers and returned to the soil.

C Soil nutrients are always replenished by new nutrients falling from space.

D Farmers must add fertilizer to keep all the nutrients from running out.
Which location is most likely to have the greatest amount of soil erosion?
A a level pasture with dense grasses.

B a steep hillside with grasses and bushes.

C a steep hillside with very few plants.

D a very flat field with a few plants.
Which type of cloud would you expect to see on a day when it is gray outside and there is a light rain?
A Cirrus

B Stratus

C Cumulus

D Cumulonimbus
Which object has the greatest momentum?
A a car traveling at 60 kilometers per hour

B a freight train traveling at 20 kilometers per hour.

C a book falling off a desk.

D a leaf falling from a tree.
Which type of organism would most likely be eaten last in an ecosystem's food chain?
A meat eaters

B palnt eaters

C plants

D algae
In which type of ecosystem would you expect to find the most species?
A desert

B farm field

C tropical rainforest

D tundra
In order for rainwater to cause erosion of a mountain, what other force is needed?
A currents

B magnetism

C humidity

D gravity
What happens when a large body of very warm air collides with a large body of very cold air?
A It will be sunny

B It will be windy

C It will get dry

D It will be very still

In order for an object to begin moving or to change its direction, which of the following muct happen?
A The object must change its mass.

B The object must increase its mass.

C A force must act upon the object.

D The object must become a force.
Which statement accurately describes the difference between climate and weather?
A Climate refers to elevation and weather refers to temperature and clouds.

B Weather refers to rainfall an dclimate refers to temperature.

C Weather refers to the conditions in the atmosphere and climate refers to the average weather over a long period of time.

D Weather refers to the location on Erath and climate refers to weather over a long period of time.
When a neighborhood is built in a wooded area, what may happen to the animals that live in the forest?
A They learn to live among humans.

B They move to another forest where no other animals live.

C They die because there is no habitat for them to live in.

D. They all become extinct.
A scientist wants to determine how many acres of forest there are in Wake County. Which of the following would be most useful for the scientist to use?
A street map

B aerial photograph

C topographic map

D shaded relief map
Which is the most common direction of weather systems entering North Carolina?
A moving weather from east to west

B moving weather from the north to the south

C moving weather from the south to the north

D moving weather from the west to the east.
In order to know how fast an object is moving, which of the following must you know?
A time and size

B gravity and mass

C speed and weight

D distance and time
Which part of the water cycle causes the least amount of erosion on land?
A flooding

B precipitation

C run-off

D evaporation
Each year the number of humans on Earth increases. As the human population goes up, what else also goes up and causes harm to the environment?
A the number of animals living in zoos

B the need for natural resources

C the number of flu outbreaks in cities

D the amount of farms growing wheat
When rivers erode soil from their banks, soil particles are carried downstream. when the river meets the ocean, the river water slows down and soil particles settle to the bottom. What landform is created from this process?
A delta

B mountain

C oxbow

D plateau
Which correctly shows the usual direction of wind at the beach?
A always from the ocean toward land

B always from the land toward the ocean.

C from the land during the day, to the land during the night.

D from the ocean during the day, to the ocean during the night.
Which type of simple machine do humans use to make it easier to lift an object?
A wedge

B screw

C lever

D wheel
Which best explains how clouds form?
A Water from space warms as it enters Earth's atmosphere and makes steam.

B The water vapor combines with carbon dioxide to form white clouds.

C Air in the atmosphere is warmed by the Sun until it forms steam.

D Invisible water vapor in the air cools and condenses to become visible.
Which pair of animals competes for the same food source in an ecosystem?

A grasshopper and bird

B wolf and deer

C moose and elk

D bear and rattlesnake
Fasr changes in temperatures can sometimes cause erosion of rocks. What often happens when a rock gets very hot then suddenly gets very cold?
A it swells

B it shrinks

C it melts

D it cracks
Most warm and cold air masses that enter North Carolina are moved by global winds. Which global winds are responsible for most of the local weather in North Carolina?
A northeast trade

B southeast trade

C polar easterlies

D prevailing westerlies
During a cycling race, a rider was getting very tired. She kept pedaling hard because she saw a hill ahead where she could coast downhill. What force will allow her to keep moving even while she is not pedaling?
A friction

B gears

C gravity

D speed
Fast flowing water was the most important factor in forming which of these landforms?
A the Appalachian Mountains

B Mauna Loa volcano

C the San Andreas Fault

D Bryce Canyon