Force & Motion
Earth & Space
Give three examples of matter and three examples of nonmatter.
Matter: Rocks, people, anything that takes up space and has mass. Nonmatter: Energy, feelings, doesn't take up space.
What is energy?
The ability to do work.
What is a force?
push or pull
This force holds together the entire universe.
What is gravity?
This is the formula for density.
What is D = m/v
What are the six signs of a chemical change? What else NEEDS to happen in a chemical change?
Change in odor, temperature, color, precipitate forms, Bubbles, Light Emitted Must be a new substance.
This is the first law of thermodynamics.
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed.
What type of force causes a change in motion?
An unbalanced force
What method of heat transfer occurs in the Earth? In which layer does it occur?
What is convection in the Asthenosphere?
An object has a mass of 10 g and a volume of 2mL. What is it's density?
What is 5g/mL?
Tressa has an unknown substance in her lab. She realizes that it cannot be physically separated but it can be chemically separated. What is it?
What is a compound?
Energy at a peak of a mountain is ______________. Energy at the base of the mountain is ______________. Give two more examples for this type of energy.
Potential; Kinetic
Create a graph to show the following scenario. Russell walks to the park from his house. He stays there for an hour then keeps walking to the mailbox. He then runs home.
Not steep line pointing up; flat line; not steep line pointing up; steep line pointing down
What are the three types of tectonic plates and what occurs at each boundary?
Convergent - Collide Divergent - Divide Transform - Slide
This is the density of an object that has a mass of 12g and a volume of 16mL. *Express your answer as a decimal*
What is .75g/mL?
Give location on periodic table, two characteristics, and an example of metals, nonmetals,and metalloids.
Metals: Left of staircase, Shiny, Malleable, Luster, Good conductor, etc. Metalloids: Staircase, properties of both, semiconductors Nonmetals: Right of staircase, dull, brittle, insulator, etc.
Thermal energy moves from _____________ to ______________ in three ways: ______________ (touch) _______________ (waves) _______________ (currents)
Warmer; Cooler; Conduction: Radiation; Convection
Find the average speed of a giraffe who runs 63 meters in 9 seconds. If the giraffe keeps running at this speed, how far will it run in 30 seconds.
Speed: 7 m/s Distance: 210 meters
The formation of minerals is a _________________ change.
What is chemical?
A graduated cylinder starts with a volume of 7 mL. After a marble is dropped inside, the volume rises to 10 mL. The mass of the marble is 6g. What is the density of the marble?
What are the three subatomic particles in an atom. What are their charges, relative size, and location in the atom?
Proton: Positive, Nucleus, Large Neutron: Neutral/No Charge, Nucleus, Large Electron: Negative, Valence Shells, Small
Give an example of a two step energy transformation.
Answers will vary.
Distance (m) Time (sec) A. 10 20 B. 20 40 C. 35 70 D. 65 130 E. 85 170 Find the average speed between points B&D.
A volcano erupts and cools down into a rock. The rock undergoes weathering & erosion. It is then compressed & cemented together. It then undergoes heat & pressure as two tectonic plates push together. What type of rock is present at the beginning of the story and at the end?
Beginning: Igneous End: Metamorphic
Tracie's rock has a mass of 15g. She sets up a graduated cylinder. Before she puts the rock in she measures the volume as 12 mL. After the rock is dropped into the graduated cylinder it's volume is 72mL. What is the density of the rock? Will it sink or float in water?
.25g/mL. It will float.