Process Skills
Life Sciences
Earth Sciences
Physical Sciences
A class created a terrarium using soil, grass seeds, charcoal, gravel, landscaping fabric, and water. They placed their terrariums in the sunlight and gave them water every other day. Every week, the students measured the height of the grass. Create a hypothesis about their terrarium experiment.
Answers will vary. I believe that the grass will grow 4 cm a week.
Where do producers get their energy? Where do consumers get their energy?
Producers get their energy from the sun. Consumers get their energy from other plants and animals.
What causes the seasons on Earth?
The tilt of Earth's axis causes the seasons on Earth.
A substance that doesn't conduct heat well is called an _____________. A subtance that allows heat to energy to travel through it is called a _____________.
* Insulator (examples: oven mit, winter coat) * Conductor (example: metal pan)
What is the best conductor of electricity?
Metal is the best conductor of electricity.
Give the definition of a variable.
A variable is a condition that is changed in an experiment in order to study the effect of that change. The results are compared to those results found in a control.
Draw a food web using the following: * Sun * Tomato * Person * Pig * Wheat
Arrows should be moving towards the organism receiving the energy.
What causes day and night on Earth?
The rotation of Earth on its axis causes day and night on Earth. (It takes the Earth 24 hours to rotate once on its axis).
Thermal energy (heat) flows from ___________ areas to _________ areas.
Heat flows from warmer areas to cooler areas.
A stream flows through a desert canyon. The canyon was shaped by natural processes. Identify a slow and rapid process that could have helped shape the canyon.
Slow process: Erosion Rapid Process: Earthquake
Ball A: 50 cm in diameter weighs 20 pounds. Ball B: 50 cm in diameter and weights 5 pounds. Both of the balls were dropped off a building 100 feet in the air at the same time. Ball B reached the ground first. Draw a conclusion from this experiment and explain.
My conclusion is that, a lighter ball travels faster in the air because it hit the ground before the heavier ball.
Draw a food chain and an energy pyramid using the following: * Person * Sun * Pig * Wheat
Food Chain: Sun ---> Wheat ---> Pig ---> Person Energy Pyramid: Top: Person Pig Wheat Bottom: Sun
What is a renewable resource? Given an example. What is a non-renewable resource? Give an example.
Renewable resource: A resource that can be replaced in a human lifetime. Example: Trees, Paper, Plastic Non-renewable resource: A resource that cannon be replaced within the human lifetime. Example: Oil, Coal
High frequency = _________ pitch Low frequency = _________ pitch
High frequency = high pitch Low frequency = low pitch
From which part of the plant does a bee get its food? A. Flower B. Seed C. Stem D. Root
A. Flower
Identify the appropriate tools used to measure the following things: 1. Height of grass 2. Temperature of water 3. Weight of a rock
1. Ruler 2. Thermometer 3. Scale or balance
What is an adapatation? Choose one organism and explain one adapatation it has to survive in its environment.
An adaptation is a feature of an organism that helps it to survive in it's environment. Example: Giraffes have long necks to help them reach the leaves at the top of trees for food.
What is one way we can decrese pollution?
Drive less, use less factories, do not litter.
The bouncing back of a wave is called _____________. When energy waves are reduced they have been ___________.
* The bouncing back of a wave is called reflection. (Example: an echo) * When energy waves are reduced they have been absorbed.
A student wraps a wire around an iron nail. The student then connects the wire to a bettery. The nail attracts another nail and they stick together. What force holds the two nails together? A. Gravitational force B. Magnetic force C. Electric force D. Friction force
B. Magnetic force
Tell whether each change is chemical or physical. 1. Cutting a piece of paper 2. A campfire 3. Mixing vinegar and sugar 4. Painting a wall
1. Physical 2. Chemical 3. Chemical 4. Physical
Give an example of a dynamic caused by a non-living thing. Give an example of a dynamic caused by a living thing.
Non-Living: Earthquake, Tornado, Flood, etc. Living: Humans cutting down trees, humans driving cars that release pollution.
Describe or draw the relationship between the Earth, Moon and Sun.
The sun is in the center. The Earth rotates around the sun. The moon rotates around the Earth.
The bouncing back of ligh waves from a surface is called _______________. The bending of light rays as they move from one material into another is callled ______________.
The bouncing back of ligh waves from a surface is called reflection. The bending of light rays as they move from one material into another is callled refraction.
Draw a complete circuit using the following: * Battery * Light bulb * 1 wire
Drawings will vary.