Scientific Method
Water Cycle
Environments and Climate

Is the following question able to be tested in an  experiment?

Which flavor of popsicle taste the best?

No. How something tastes is based on opinion. We all have different preferences on flavors!


The four planets that are closest to the sun are ____(size) and ______(made of).

The inner planets are smaller and rocky!!

Inner planets also have less moons and no rings.


What is the process in which the Sun's energy is turning liquid water into water vapor (gas).


The sun heats the water which turn it into a gas. 


When you go higher in elevation, the temperature goes____.


Think about the mountain with snow on it during summer. 


Which environment would you expect to see the most rainfall?

A.) Grassland           B.) Rainforest

 C.) Tundra                 D.) Desert

B.) Rainforest

Rainforests can consistently receive more than 100 inches of rain per year!


Which statement is a personal opinion?

A.) Plant A grew five inches in a week.

B.) Plant A grew 2 inches more than plant B in a week.

C.) Plant A is healthier than Plant B.

D.) Plant C grew the least in a week.


We can not say for certain which plant is healthier when measuring height. A plant could be taller, but has wilted leaves and rotting roots. 


What is the name of the galaxy that we live in?

The Milky Way Galaxy


What is the name of the process in which water returns to Earth's surface?


The four forms of precipitation are snow, sleet, hail, and rain.


What weather tool would you use to measure the wind speed?


Think of the AN in ANemometer as ANT!

Ants run fast.


What type of weather can we expect on a mountain?

It may be cooler here with more precipitation than the surrounding areas. 


Would observing animals in their natural habitat be considered an experiment?

No. It would be considered an investigation. We cannot control variables in nature so this could not be an experiment. It is still science though!


A _____ is made up of stars, gas, and dust. 

A galaxy!

There is one star in a solar system, but many in a galaxy.


Where does MOST of the evaporation and precipitation occur on Earth?

The Ocean!!!

All of that water surface being hit with the Sun's rays means a lot of evaporation. Since most of the world is covered by oceans, it is also where most of the precipitation falls as well.


What type of weather can we expect when the air pressure is low or is dropping?

We can expect some storms with rain and wind.


How does being near the ocean affect an areas climate? (Think seasons)

 Coastal areas have milder winters and summers.

This is because water holds heat!


Which statement is an observation?

A.) It rained  2 inches yesterday.

B.) Justin must be sad because his game was canceled from the rain.

C.) I am the only person who likes to play in the rain.

D.) No one is outside in my neighborhood because it is raining.


An observation takes only facts into consideration. Personal opinions, inferences, or assumptions are not observations.


As a ______ orbits the sun, it appears to have a glowing tail. It is made up of mostly ice, rock, and dust. 

A comet!!


What is the name of the process in which water vapor turns back into a liquid?


As water vapor cools it condenses back into a liquid. This is when clouds form or you may see liquid on the outside of your water bottle.


This form of precipitation occurs when snow travels through a warm layer of air and melts, it then goes into cold layer of air and freezes again.



An areas temperature, air pressure, humidity, wind speed/direction, and precipitation at a specific point in time describes it's _____.



Sally is testing how sunlight affects plant growth. She places plant A in the shade and gives it 10mL of water each day. She places plant B in direct sunlight and gives it 15 mL of water each day. She places plant C in a cupboard that is pitch black and gives it 20 mL of water each day. What mistake did Sally make in setting up her experiment?

She gave each plant a different amount of water.

Only one variable should be different in an experiment. Sally is testing how SUNLIGHT affects plant growth, not water. She should give each plant the same amount of water in order to only see the differences from sunlight. 


List the planets in order from closest to the sun to furthest from the sun. (Hint: There are 8)

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune


Name the state of matter (solid, liquid, or gas) that water is in for the stages of the water cycle.

Precipitation (rain)=




Precipitation (rain)= liquid

Runoff= liquid

Evaporation= gas



At what temperature must the atmosphere be at in order for snow to fall?

32 degrees Fahrenheit


0 degrees Celsius  


Which climate zone can be found in found in the middle between the poles and the equator region?

The temperate region!

The Arctic or Polar Zone is found at the North and South poles. The Tropical climate zone is found surrounding the equator.
