Entering and Leaving
Important Routines
Hodge Podge

How do you line up for Science class?

We line up in the hall, in two lines, without touching the bulletin board, and silently wait for instructions. It is important when entering that you do not touch any of the plants or hydroponic equipment.


How do we treat material in the Science classroom?

CAREFULLY!  We need to share all of our supplies so we need to treat them with care and practice conservation whenever possible.

What do you do if you have a question?

Raise your hand and wait to be called on.


What do you do at the end of Science class?

You clean up our area by picking up and throwing out any waste.  Materials will be collected, checked, and put away by the table leader. Notebooks will be collected and put a way by the notebook monitors.


What should you do before you start any activity in the Science classroom?

Listen to ALL the directions CAREFULLY!  Ask questions if anything is unclear.


What do you do if you need to use the restroom?

Raise your hand and sign out with your name and time on the Bathroom Log.  Neatly, cross out your name when you return.


Are you allowed to touch anything you want in the Science classroom?

NO.  Please ask permission to touch any materials.  Make sure you are using materials in the proper way and not being wasteful or destructive.


Who is responsible to participate in conversations in the Science classroom?

EVERYONE!  No one is exempt from participating in classroom conversation.  


What should you do if something spills or breaks?

Tell the teacher immediately.  The teacher will assist you in the proper clean up.


When should you touch another student?

In this class, NEVER! Please keep your hands to yourself.  Horseplay is never acceptable in the Science classroom.


When is it OK to ask to use the restroom?

It is not OK to ask to use the bathroom during instruction or during a video.  The best time to ask to use the bathroom is during independent work time.


Who is responsible for materials?

Everyone!  There will be a table leader who will be responsible for getting and returning materials, however, all students are responsible for taking care of our materials. Table leaders will be assigned by the teacher monthly.


What if you don't hear or understand what some one says during a class discussion?

Raise your hand and ask for the person to repeat or explain what they said.


How do you start each Science class?

The first thing you will do is set up your notebook for the day.  Notebook monitors will hand out the notebooks and then you will open to the next blank page and put the date and learning target for the day.


Can we have food or snacks in the Science classroom?

Breakfast is allowed only during first period.  Otherwise, no food is allowed in the science classroom.  This includes gum and candy.


What happens if there is a fire or other safety drill?

We follow the school procedures for all drills.  


Where can find classroom supplies such as pencils, glue, scissors, and paper?

On the shelves near the window in the table caddies.


What if you are called on but you don't know the answer?

It is perfectly acceptable to not know the answer yet.  We are all learning together.  You may simply say that you do not know. It would also be OK to ask for the question to be repeated or restated.


How do we wash our hands?

We wash our hands one at a time.  Make sure there is nothing in the sink before you wash your hands.  Please do not pour milk, food, or other materials in the sink.  


What is the teacher's expectations of your behavior in the Science classroom?

The Science classroom is a place for learning. I expect you to behave appropriately according to the Respect Matrix and general school and classroom rules.  I expect you to participate and try your best when working with the class, in groups, and independently. I expect you to be responsible for your work and your behavior.


How do we line up to exit the Science classroom?

When your teacher arrives to pick you up, after everything is tidy, you may calmly and orderly line up in the hall.  When exiting the room it is important not to touch any of the plants or hydroponic equipment.


What should you do if materials or tools you are using become damaged or broken?

Tell the teacher immediately.  The teacher will assist in fixing or replacing the material.


What should you do if the teacher or a classmate is speaking?

Listen carefully and be prepared to respond.


What do you do if you need first aid or the nurse?

Raise your hand.  The teacher will assist you with first aid - located by the sink - or write you a referral for the nurse.


Will Science be fun?

YES!  But, it can also be challenging and work will be required.
