If there is a fire in the classroom, what should you do first?
Pull the fire alarm! Then try to put it out...if Mr. T is not able to put the fire out.
Careless Carl leaves his backpack in the middle of the aisle. Mr. T trips on it falls down and says, "Golly!".
What should Careless Carl have done with his backpack instead?
Keep it near/under the desk.
Does Mr. T let you retake an assessment (test)?
This is the hurricane/tropical storm/tropical depression that is headed our way RIGHT NOW!
Cut by his high school basketball team, he would go on to become the greatest player in NBA history. You might even be wearing his shoes.
Michael Jordan
How do you get the fire extinguisher off the wall?
Pull it towards you
What should you wear on your face to protect your eye orbs when doing a lab activity?
What day will you get your science homework (during a normal week)?
This is "calmest" part of a hurricane.
The 👁
A touchdown in American football is worth this many points.
How is the fire extinguisher like an old fashioned hand grenade?
You need to pull the pin before you can "use" it.
Psssst, Mr. T isn't looking, let's open up one of those black cabinets.
Is this a good idea?
Unless he SPECIFICALLY asks you to open them. Which he pretty much never does.
When will your homework be due?
The Monday after we get it
This is the type of pressure associated with a hurricane.
LOW pressure
A standard golf course will have this many holes.
Careless Carl started a fire, again! He grabs the fire extinguisher and points it RIGHT AT THE FIRE and doesn't move the nozzle.
What should Careless Carl done instead?
Sweep the fire extinguisher around the base of the fire.
Heeyyy. Let's pour some chemicals down the sink, is this a good idea?
The drain in the classroom's sink is designed for water and soap ONLY!
Oh no! It's been 5 weeks since Mr. T gave an assignment and you haven't turned it in yet, will Mr. T accept it?
Maybe...Mr. T will explain.
A hurricane will spin in this direction.
This NBA basketball team relocated from Vancouver, BC to Memphis, TN in 2001.
The Grizzleys
After pulling the pin, how do you get the fire extinguisher to work?
Squeeze the 2 silver metal parts together for dear life.
Oh no! I didn't finish my snack. Will Mr. Thatcher be cool with you finishing your filthy, dirty, disgusting food in his classroom?
What score do you need to get on a science test to get to take it again?
79.9% or less
This is the main ingredient when making a hurricane.
Lots and lots of warm water. Like, the middle of the ocean during the end of the summer.
What a brave soul, you chose this. Name one of Mr. T's 3 favorite sports ball teams.
Angels/Lakers and/or Rams.