General 1
General 2
General 3
Case Study:Red Spruce & Everglades
Case Study:Mono Lake & Elephants

What are natural resources?

Resources from the earth


The Mean Residence Time formula

(Pool)/(Flux In/Out)

How can an experiment be made more credible?

Repeat on a larger scale


What the SFWMD developed, integrating information from all levels of systems in the Everglades

Everglades Landscape Model


Poaching is a severe problem for all elephant populations, but is is most severe in?

Kenya and the rest of East Africa


The natural time it takes for a species to go extinct.

Background extinction rate


What stopped lead pollution from gasoline?

1975 Clear Air Act


When system input equals output

Steady State


What does red spruce being a "canary in a coal mine" mean?

It indicated that pollution in the area was reaching a critically harmful level


Mono Lake is estimated to be how old?

1-3 Million Years Old


Exceeding the stable point of a system



Explain the difference between positive and negative feedback loops

Negative feedback loops revert to original state. Positive feedback loops move away from original state.


What silly character was on slide 63 of the Section 1 Presentation?



What makes alligators a keystone species?

A small subsystem is the “alligator hole,” which consists of small pools surrounded by marsh plants. The pools are kept plant-free by the alligators. Alligator holes are permanent homes to many small aquatic animals and plants. The alligators, with their food and space requirements, depend upon the entire Everglade system for survival. 


CITIES stands for what? What year was it founded?

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, 1989


Under what conditions can a mean residence time be calculated for a pool?

Steady State


Name the inputs/outputs that control population

Death, Birth, Immigration, Emigration


Ice Cores help scientists analyze what? How do Ice Cored provide the information?

The chemical makeup of air in the past. Air bubbles are trapped in the ice cores


What were the 4 findings in the red spruce case? 100 for each

1.At Whiteface Mountain, a 1,483 m peak in the Adirondacks of New York, revealed that red spruce had decreased by almost 70 percent in eighteen years.

2.In the northeastern states surveyed (New York, Vermont, New Hampshire), the percentage of standing dead red spruce trees was positively correlated with elevation. Showed air pollution leads to tree death.

3.A survey of nineteen mountains along a west-to-east area from New York to Maine showed that there were more dead red spruce trees standing in New York and Vermont than in New Hampshire and Maine. The western part of the region is closer to the Midwest, which is the primary source of acid rain. So again, air pollution correlated with the pattern of tree death.

4.Experimental work conducted in the laboratory and field showed that the unexplained red spruce decline was caused by freezing injury to needles. Pollution was making the trees more sentitive


Why is Mono lake called a terminal lake?

Under “normal conditions” water flows into the lake from the Sierra Nevada Mountains, but since there is a drought, no water flows out into streams or rivers. 


Studies predict population will fall off in what decade and at what population range?

8-12 Billion in the 2150s


Name (or explain) the 4 limitations of environmental science

-One Earth Problem

-Inconsistent Units of Energy


-Unpredictable consequences of preferences and policies 


Name the residence times of the following gases

Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Chlorofluorocarbons, Hydrofluorocarbons

Carbon Dioxide-100yrs. Methane-11.8yrs. Nitrous Oxide-109yrs. Chlorofluorocarbons-100yrs. Hydrofluorocarbons-222yrs


What does SFWMD stand for? Under what act did they begin the Everglades restoration plan?

South Florida Water Management District. Water Resource Development Act of 2000.


What four interconnected systems are critical to the Mono Lake story?

-The Natural Water System

-The Salt-Balance System

-The Ecological System

-The Water-Use System
