Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
Category 5

Which two objects are nonliving?

A- fish and plants

B- grass and deer

C- rocks and water

D- trees and Sun

C- rocks and water


Which tool would be used to find the weight of a balloon that is filled with water?

A graduated cylinder

B metric ruler

C spring scale

D thermometer

C spring scale


A student is writing a report about a famous scientist and author, and records the following information. 

1. Rachel Carson was born in 1907. 

2. She went to school in Pennsylvania. 

3. She is the author of the most important book about the environment ever written. 

4. Rachel Carson was 11 years old when her first story appeared in a magazine. Which piece of information is an opinion? 

A- 1 

B- 2 

C- 3

D- 4

C- 3


When the food supply in an area decreases, many of the deer living there will: 

A move to a new habitat

B change their color

C hibernate

D reproduce

A move to a new habitat 


A student crumpled up a flat sheet of paper into a round ball. Which property of the paper changed?

A hardness

B color

C mass

D shape

D shape


An example of an inherited trait : 

A- riding a bicycle

B- having a broken arm

C- having brown eyes

D- living in New York State

C- having brown eyes


Ice is solid water that has A 

a definite shape and a definite volume

B a definite shape, but no definite volume

C no definite shape and no definite volume

D no definite shape, but a definite volume

a definite shape and a definite volume


Which process causes a giraffe to become taller?

A reproduction

B growth

C decomposition

D movement

B growth 


A skunk’s odor is unpleasant to other animals. A monarch butterfly’s coloration warns birds of its bitter taste. These adaptations help these animals to:

A find water

B find prey

C seek shelter

D avoid predators

D avoid predators


Which human activity has a helpful effect on the environment?

A littering

B polluting

C recycling

D smoking

C recycling 


How long does it take for Earth to complete one path around the Sun?

A one day

B one week

C one month

D one year

A one day


Which color of shirt would absorb the most sunlight?

A white

B yellow

C pink

D black

D black


A basic need of both plants and animals is:

A soil

B light

C shelter

D water

D water


Which life process is common to all living things?

A reproduction

B germination

C hunting for food

D pollinating flowers

A reproduction 


Frogs eat crickets. If the population of crickets in an area decreases, the number of frogs in the area will most likely:

A decrease

B increase

C remain the same

A decrease 


Hard, light-colored, and smooth are observations that describe: 

A glass marble

B rain cloud

C cat’s fur

D cotton ball

A glass marble


Which statement best describes how energy can be harmful?

A A fire burns down a house.

B Electricity heats an oven.

C A lamp lights a house.

D An alarm clock wakes up a sleeping person.

A A fire burns down a house.


As the length of daylight shortens and the temperatures cool, geese and some other birds fly south from New York State. This behavioral change is known as: 

A communicating

B hunting

C migration

D hibernation

C migration


In order for a car to be moved by a magnet, the car must contain which material?

A glass

B metal

C plastic

D wood

B metal 


A prairie dog whistles loudly when it senses danger. When it whistles, all of the prairie dogs nearby run and hide in their burrows. Which sense helps the other prairie dogs receive this warning?

A hearing

B sight

C smell

D taste

A hearing 


A student drops a button and a nickel, and they both fall to the floor. What causes both of these items to fall to the floor?

A- magnetism

B- electricity

C- sound

D- gravity

D- gravity


It is harder to push a box up a ramp with a rough surface than up one with a smooth surface because the rough surface provides more:

A motion

B friction

C gravity

D magnetism

B friction


In which example is the organism defending itself?

A- A fox smells food.

B- An owl sees a mouse.

C- A bee lands on a colorful flower.

D- A skunk produces an odor.

D- A skunk produces an odor.


Which sequence shows the order of energy fl ow in a food chain?

A- Sun → rabbit → grass → owl

B- grass → rabbit → owl → Sun

C- Sun → grass → rabbit → owl

D- owl → rabbit → grass → Sun

C- Sun → grass → rabbit → owl 


Humans have hair and nails that are always growing. What provides the energy needed for this growth to occur?

A wind

B food

C water

D soil

B food 
