the study of matter and movement through Gods physical creation.
object capable of attracting materials such as iron and steel through magnetic force.
eletrical device designed to add resistence to an circuit
thrid law
for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
display of shimmering light procuded by high speed particles
Scientific Investigation
the systematic study of the natural world through observation and experiement
current electricity, the rate at which current flows
amount a certain object hinders eletrcon flow
what is the opposite sides of where a magnetc attracts
north and south poles
terminal velocy
the magnitude of drag equals and objects weight stopping it from moving faster
Scope of science
scope of science is limited to the study of created matter and energy in the present. Beyond our comprehesion.
device that transforms used energy from the eletric circuit into another useful form of energy
first law
the velocity of an object will remain the same unless it is acted upon by an extrernal force
what is the current if the voltage is 6 and the resistance is 2
second law
the force required to accerlate an object at a certain rate is the objects velocity times the accleraton f=ma
Why is Science Benficial?
for mans benefit, and to glorify god
closed circuit
circuit that contains a complete path for eletrons to flow through
joule heat
heat converted from the enegery used to overcome electrical resistence
si unit for force
negative charge
electric charge
net force
resultant of adding the indivudual forces on an object through vector addition
lines of force
imiganry lines that indicate the direction and strength of a electric field
si unit for momentum