What is a rock?
A rock is a solid material in the earth's crust, and a natural combination of minerals or other materials.
What are the three main agents of metamorphic rock?
Regional, contact, and dynamic
What is the process (in order) of sediments forming sedimentary rocks?
First there's erosion and solution, then transportation and deposition, and then compaction, and lastly cementation.
What are the most important conclusions that we can come to about the "so-called rock cycle"?
The earth was not designed to recycle rocks and there is not enough time to complete even a small part of the rock cycle.
ESSAY: How can you use igneous rocks today?
You can use igneous rocks today because of their beauty and the fact that we can carve them into intricate shapes. You can use these rocks to create statues, idols, and buildings.
Where did the first igneous rocks come from?
Old-earth geologists believe they came from the earth's crust four billion years ago, whereas young-earth geologists believe that God created them on the first three days of creation.
What are sedimentary rocks?
Sedimentary rocks are rocks made of eroded sediments.
What is precipitation?
The process of water dissolving before it evaporates.
A rocks texture is what petrologists use to classify the rocks by how they look and feel
How do you classify sedimentary rocks?
You classify them by clastic and nonclastic, inorganic and organic.
What are the two kinds of grains? What are each of them?
Coarse-grained - Visible to the eye
Fine-grained - not visible to the eye
Which sedimentary rock is easiest to work with and is very useful?
What are any rocks that result from changes to existing rocks?
Metamorphic rocks
What are the two classifications of rocks and describe them.
Foliated - Have flattened mineral crystals arranged in parallel layers, making them look banded.
Nonfoliated - No bands, marble and limestone
What is the rock cycle? (old-earth)
Start as magma, became igneous, changed to sedimentary and metamorphic, and then eventually heated back to magma.
ESSAY: What is the origin of metamorphic rocks?
They originate from existing rocks, like sedimentary or igneous rocks, which are transformed by intense heat and pressure deep within the Earth's crust
LONG ANSWER: How do you use metamorphic rocks?
You can use metamorphic rocks for their beauty, and to make marble countertops. You can also use (quartzite) to be crushed for railway track beds, gravel driveways, and decorative coverings for flower beds.
Regional - Occurs in a very great area, a whole plate going under another plate
Contact - Has to be in contact with heat
Dynamic - When conditions rapidly changed within the rocks
What are the two types of sedimentary rocks and what are each of them?
1. Clastic - rocks made of eroded fragments
2. Nonclastic - formed from sediments that weren't class of rocks
What are the three classifications of coarse-grained rocks?
Pegmatite, porphyry, and phanerite