Size of fist located just above hips
What percent of the blood goes from your heart to your kidneys?
1/4 One quarter 25%
Primitive urine
Passes over microvilli where each strand has a series of tiny molecular pumps that work to reabsorb necessary essential nutrients. Each type of pump reabsorbs a specific type of molecule based on what the body needs and sends it back into the cleaned body to circulate through the body.
A signaling molecule produced by the kidneys that says "The body needs more oxygen." It is sent through the blood. It is received in the bone marrow where more red blood cells are made. Red blood cells carry oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.
What 3 things do blood vessels carry?
Oxygen, Nutrients, and Signaling molecules (EPO and Renin)
An essential chemical that the kidneys regulate
Pulse oximeter
A device that measure the oxygen in the blood. Normal reading is 95-100. 89 is very low. The lower your pulse the more athletic you are
Name all the essential nutrients. (Hint: 7)
Sugar, Salt, Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Uric Acid
What happens when animals don't get enough phosphorus?
The less phosphorus the species has, the longer the animal's lifespan.
A signaling molecule made by the kidneys to trigger the contraction of blood vessels. Has an effect of boosting blood pressure.
What happens if you have too much potassium and what food can cause this?
Bananas have a lot off potassium. To much potassium can cause an irregular heart beat and even be harmful to health
What happens if humans get too little or too much phosphorus?
Too little- can cause respiratory failure, heart failure, osteomalacia, rickets
Too much- accelerates aging
A tightly wound ball of blood vessels in the kidneys that produce urine by filtering out waste and excess essential chemicals from the blood.
Bones store phosphorus in the form of calcium phosphate. They send molecular messages to the kidneys to indicate that they have enough. If they have enough, the phosphorus pumps that return phosphorus to the clean blood are turned off.