What are the 3 innate behaviors?
Instincts, Reflexes, and Behavior Patterns.
What is communication?
The transfer of information between organisms.
Define Dominance
Higher social status relative to other animals in the society.
What are the two types of cells in living organisms?
Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic
The process of an organism maintaining stable internal environment is called?
What are the four categories of learned behaviors
- Cognitive Behavior
- Imprinting
- Conditioning
Why do animals communicate with each other? (4)
-Locating other members of their group
-Finding mates
-Warning others of danger
Define Society
A group of animals of the same species living and working together in an organized way.
-body language
While there are some female led societies, the majority of leaders are:
-the oldest male
- the most physically fit
-the most aggressive
Which groups of animals communicate with sound?
Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, Insects, Mammals
What are the 4 ways social status can be determined?
-reproductive success
What are the 8 different parts of classification hierarchy?
Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species
Which insects are most well-known for making noticeable sounds?
Crickets and Cicadas
-Submissive animals will often roll over / crouch / move out of the way to probe they are not a threat.