The percentage of human DNA that is identical to that of a chimpanzee.
What is humans and chimpanzees share approximately 98% of their DNA.
The element that causes sterling silver not to be pure silver.
This organelle is known as the "Powerhouse of the Cell".
This chemical causes the burning sensation when eating chillies.
What is capsaicin?
The largest organ in the human body.
What is skin. The skin is the body's largest organ by surface area and weight.
The temperature and pressure needed to convert graphite into a diamond.
What is 3000 degrees C and 100,000 atmospheres? That's at least 20,000 times more pressure than the pressure inside the average bike tire.
The symbiotic relationship that exists between fungi and algae in lichens.
What is mutualism? Both organisms benefit; fungi provide structure while algae perform photosynthesis.
The scientific name of the material commonly called "fools gold".
What is iron pyrite crystals?
The term for the process by which organisms better adapt to their environment, survive and reproduce.
The only letter that does not appear in the periodic table.
What is the letter J?