Owl Pellets
Engine Rockets
Marble Launcher & Catapult
Bottle Tornadoes

What is typically not found in owl pellets?

A) Bones and Teeth

B) Fur/Feathers

C) Organs

C) Organs


A cloth canopy that fills with air and allows a person or heavy object attached to it to descend slowly when dropped from an aircraft, or which is released from the rear of an aircraft on landing to act as a brake.

A) Windsock

B) Parachute

C) Fan

B) Parachute


The marble launcher utilized this simple machine to propel the marble.

A) Inclined Plane

B) Wedge

C) Spring

C) Spring


The remains and traces of prehistoric life are called:

A) Treasure

B) Fossils

C) Archeology

B) Fossils


A mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the appearance of a funnel-shaped cloud called a 

A) Fountain

B) Hurricane

C) Tornado

C) Tornado


The mass of undigested parts of a bird's food that some bird species occasionally regurgitate are called

A) Fur Balls

B) Vomit

C) Pellets

C) Pellets


A cylindrical projectile that can be propelled to a great height or distance by the combustion of its contents is a

A) Rock

B) Rockette

C) Rocket

C) Rocket


The catapult and marble launcher are examples of mechanical devices that change the direction or magnitude of a force, otherwise known as 

A) Simple Machines

B) Catalysts

C) Compound Machine

A) Simple Machines


Fossils provide:

A) Evidence about past life and their environment

B) 100% knowledge of what extinct species used to look like

C) Proof that Conor is really 25,687,034 years old

A) Evidence about past life and their environment


Why was food coloring used in this experiment?

A) The particles in food coloring activate the tornadoes easier

B) The food coloring makes the tornadoes easier to see

C) There is no real function

B) The food coloring makes the tornadoes easier to see


This is an example of an animal NOT typically found in owl pellets:

A) Insects

B) Rodents

C) Canines

C) Canines


A roughly circular line, route, or movement that carries electricity that starts and finishes at the same place (i.e. this helped send a spark to the engine of the rocket with the use of the launcher):

A) Battery

B) Track

C) Circuit

C) Circuit


The path followed by a moving object is the _______

A) Trajectory

B) Acceleration

C) Speed

A) Trajectory


Fossils can be made out of:

A) The actual remains of an organism

B) Preserved records of living activity like footprints

C) Both

D) Neither

C) Both


Removing air from a space using a pump or by reducing the pressure using a fast flow of fluid, like in our fountain example, can create a

A) Vacuum

B) Hose

C) Bottle

A) Vacuum


The action of methodically cutting up a mass to study its internal parts is called:

A) Operation

B) Calcification

C) Dissection

C) Dissection


Why are fins important to a rocket?

A) They make it look cool

B) They make the rocket go faster

C) They control the direction and stability

C) They control the direction and stability


The action of driving or pushing forward, like how the balloon releasing air moved the car, is called_______

A) Propulsion

B) Trajectory

C) Gravity

A) Propulsion


TRUE OR FALSE: So many fossils have been found in the United States that each state has its own designated fossil.



The hydraulic machine invented in the 1st Century AD that propelled water into the air is called

A) Homer's Fountain

B) Hercules's Fountain

C) Heron's Fountain

C) Heron's Fountain


Besides excreting undigestible matter from their stomaches, owl pellets serve to 

A) pass through the bird's gullet on the way back up, scour and cleanse the digestive tract, removing pathogens and keeping the bird healthy.

B) dislodge any harmful material specifically and only when the owl is choking

C) be a mating ritual amongst owls. Male owls will present their pellets to female owls to find a suitor

A) pass through the bird's gullet on the way back up, scour and cleanse the digestive tract, removing pathogens and keeping the bird healthy.


What is a way of measuring how much force is acting over an area? (Large amounts of this is used to propel a rocket into the air)

A) Celsius

B) Pressure

C) Fahrenheit

B) Pressure


What kind of machine is the catapult?

A) Pulley

B) Lever

C) Axle

B) Lever


The termination of a kind of organism/species, generally considered when the last of its kind dies, is called:

A) Endangered

B) Hostile

C) Extinction

C) Extinction


Heron's Fountain is an example of hydrodynamics, which is:

A) the branch of science that shows the way objects move through air

B) the branch of science concerned with forces acting on or exerted by fluids (especially liquids).

C) the branch of science that studies an invisible force or field caused by the unique properties of certain materials. 

B) the branch of science concerned with forces acting on or exerted by fluids (especially liquids).
