Multiple Choice
Short Answer

Ocean water around tropical islands is likely to have a greater salt concentration than ocean water off the coast of northern Europe



Which of the following is not a source of elements in ocean water?

a rivers

b rocks on the ocean floor

c hydrothermal vents

d earthquakes



Why do heat and light from the sun not reach deep into the ocean? 

Energy and light slow down and disperse when they pass through water.


the measure of dissolved salt in a given amount 

of liquid



the difference in water height between high and 

low tide

tidal range


 Amplitude is found by measuring the vertical distance between a wave’s crest and its trough. 

 False. Wave height is the distance between the crest and trough. Amplitude is one-half of wave height.


What makes waves become larger or smaller?

a changes in water temperature

b changes in wind speed

c changes in water salinity

d all the above



Describe two alternative ocean energy sources. 

Tidal power is an alternative ocean resource where water during a high tide is directed through a narrow passageway, creating enough force to generate electricity. Systems that employ tidal energy are very similar to dams that produce hydroelectric energy. 

Ocean thermal energy conversion uses cold water to condense ammonia fluid in a heat exchanger and warm water to cause the ammonia to evaporate. The cycle of ammonia condensation and evaporation is used to drive turbines.


a broad, relatively shallow underwater terrace 

that slopes outward from the shoreline

Continental Shelf


the process of removing salt from ocean water 

to obtain freshwater for drinking, irrigation, or 

industrial uses



The sun exerts a greater gravitational force on Earth’s tides compared to the force exerted by the moon. 

False. The moon exerts a stronger gravitational force on Earth’s tides.


When the sun, Earth, and moon are aligned, what type of tide is produced?

a spring tide

b neap tide

c fall tide

d none of the above

What region marks the transition from continental crust to oceanic crust?

a continental shelf

b continental slope

c continental rise

d continental plain




How do carbon dioxide and oxygen cycle through ocean water? 

Phytoplankton take in carbon dioxide to help them make food, and they release oxygen as a byproduct. Other organisms filter the oxygen out of the water and expel carbon dioxide.


the curving of moving objects from a straight 

path due to Earth’s rotation

Coriolis Effect


Which tide would occur?

Earth               moon                            sun

spring tide


The two factors that most affect the density of ocean water are temperature and depth. 

False. The two factors that most affect the density of ocean water are temperature and salinity.


What type of current is strong, narrow, and flows from shore toward deeper water?

a deep current

b surface current

c rip current

d undertow

What type of current is primarily affected by changes in water temperature and 


a deep current

b surface current

c rip current

d undertow




How are spring tides and neap tides different?

-When do they occur (sun, moon, earth order)

-describe the high and low tides

-describe the tidal range (low, wide) 

Spring tides occur when the sun, moon, and Earth are aligned. Very high tides and very low tides are produced during a spring tide, resulting in a wide daily tidal range. 

Neap tides occur when the sun and moon are at right angles to each other. Moderate tides are produced during a neap tide, resulting in the lowest daily tidal range.


the part of the earth’s surface beneath the ocean that is made of continental crust

an underwater volcanic mountain that rises at least 1,000 m above the abyssal plain

continental margin



Describe how echo sounders work and what they can detect. 

Echo sounders produce a sound just beneath the water’s surface and scientists measure the time it takes for the sound to return, or echo, from the object it collided with. 

These devices have been used to detect submarines, locate fish, measure the thickness of Arctic ice, and record ocean depth information for oceanographic charting


The Atlantic Ocean is characterized by continental shelves that are wide andcontinental slopes that gradually drop to join vast underwater plains.

There is no risk involved when harvesting ocean resources. 


False. There are substantial risks involved when harvesting ocean resources.


What type of current is affected by the Coriolis effect?

a deep current

b surface current

c rip current

d undertow

What resources have been found in the ocean?

a water

b salt

c manganese

d all of the above




Describe how nitrogen cycles through ocean water. 

Phytoplankton take nitrogen out of the water as a nutrient. Larger organisms eat the phytoplankton and absorb their nitrogen. When phytoplankton and other ocean organisms die, their bodies fall to the ocean floor. Bacteria break down dead organisms, which releases the nitrogen back into the water. Currents carry the nitrogen back to the surface for phytoplankton to use.


a tide that occurs when the sun and moon are 

at right angles to each other

the lowest point of a wave

neap tide



Compare the driving force and effects of surface currents to that of deep currents. 

Surface currents are driven by wind, and their direction is affected both by wind direction and the Coriolis effect. Deep currents are driven by changes in water density and temperature. 

Surface currents affect ocean temperature near the surface as well as land temperatures near them. Deep currents cycle nutrients through the various oceans
