Why do some animals live in groups?
To help them survive
What is a life cycle?
The stages an animal or plant goes through as it grows.
What is hibernation?
When animals sleep for a long time to survive cold weather.
What is an inherited trait?
Something that comes from the organisms parents
What does biotic mean?
A living thing
Name an animal that stays in a group?
Wolves, Birds, Bees, Elephants, etc
Which of the following animals has a life cycle that includes a complete metamorphosis?
A butterfly
What is an animal hibernates in the winter?
A bear, etc
What is an acquired trait?
Something that an organism learns
What does abiotic mean?
What is one benefit of animals living in a group?
Hunting, Raise young, Search for food, Watching out for Predators etc
What happens during the life cycle of a butterfly?
What happens during the life cycle of a butterfly?
What is migration?
When animals move to a new place to survive.
Why might an organism's trait change because of their environment?
It helps them survive in changing conditions
What is an organism?
A living thing
What is a group of fish called?
What is the first stage in the life cycle of a hen?
An egg
Which animal migrates to a warmer place in the winter?
Birds, butterflies, etc
What is an example of an inherited trait?
Eyes, Hair, etc
What is an example of something that is biotic?
Humans, Plants, Animals
Who is the weakest in a group?
The oldest or sickest one
Is a hen's lifecycle longer or shorter than humans?
Why might a group of animals migrate constantly?
The environment around them
What is an example of an acquired trait?
A dog learning new tricks
Rocks, Books, anything that is not alive and never has been