Treated people with diabetes
What is insulin?
Protestant group opposed by modernists
Who are fundamentalists?
The act of sharing Christian gospel
What is evangelism?
Teacher who was arrested for teaching evolution
Who is John T. Scopes?
Prevented the spread of bacterial infections
What is penicillin?
Political view that separated religion from politics
What is secularism?
Interpreted literally by fundamentalists
What is the Bible?
Prosecutor for the Scopes trial
Who is William Jennings Bryan?
Received by two scientists for discovering insulin
What is a Nobel Prize?
Abandoned this to live more fulfilling lives
What is Christianity?
Fill in the blank: fought to maintain the centrality of _______ in American life
What is (traditional) religion?
Defense attorney in the Scopes trial, sent by the ACLU
Who is Clarence Darrow?
Discovered insulin (name one of four people)
Who are Frederick Banting, Charles Best, J.B. Collip, and John Macleod?
Modernists were willing to adapt their religion to this
What are scientific advancements?
Topic which challenged the biblical story of the Creation, opposed by fundamentalists
What is Darwin's theory of evolution?
Amount that Scopes was fined in the Scopes trial
What is $100?
Animal in which insulin was first discovered
What are dogs?
Liberal spokesman who viewed religion as a secondary role in lives
Who is Harry Emerson Fosdick?
Legislation pushed by fundamentalists to prohibit the teaching of evolution
What is the Butler Act?
Union that offered to defend Tennessee educators who taught evolution
What is the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)?